Page 232 of Taming 7

“Obviously.” Confused, I leaned back and studied her face, unsure of what she wanted, but when she dropped to her knees in front of me, and reached for my waistband, I figured it out pretty quickly.

“Then let me do this for you.”

“Claire, wait! I don’t…” I began to say, but quickly stopped when I felt her mouth on me. “I’ve never…” Trembling violently, I balled my hands into fists and my sides, and kept my eyes locked on the top of her head as she worked me over with her mouth. “Fuck…”


“Thank you,” she said a little while later when she readjusted her dress.

“Thank me?” My head clouded with lustful confusion when I tucked myself away. Mentally reeling from the sensations she drew from my body, I sat with my thoughts. With my trepidation. With my gratitude. Because Claire had just done something for me that I didn’t think I would ever be able to cope with. But she did it, and I coped. More than coped, I enjoyed it. “I think it’s safe to say that I’m the one who should be thanking you, sweetheart.”

“Gerard, you know I love you so much.” Her eyes were watery again and her tone of voice sent a spiral of panic through me.

“I love you, too, babe.”

“No, I mean I really, really love you,” she pushed, eyes locked on mine, tone as serious as her expression. “You’re my first love.” Her breath caught in her throat but she steadied herself before squeezing out, “You’re my only love.”

“And you’re mine.” Hooking an arm around her waist, I pulled her back down on my lap. “I know you keep saying there’s nothing wrong, Claire, but I’m not stupid, okay? At least, not when it comes to you.”

Her gaze dropped to her feet. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

“Okay,” I drawled, keeping a firm hold of her waist. “Hmm?” Leaning in close, I stroked her nose with mine. “Tell me, baby.”

She opened her mouth to respond then the door opened inward, and two bodies joined us in the darkness.

“Show me.”


“Fucking show me.”

“Why do you care!”

“You know why!”

“Fuck, I can’t do this anymore.”

“And I can? Jesus Christ, this is wrecking me. You are wrecking me.”

Both voices sounded familiar, but it was the male voice that caused my girlfriend to call out her brother’s name. “Hugh?”



Snickering I reached over the back of the couch for the light switch and flicked it on. “Looks like you and your sister both inherited the same filthy mind,” I teased, but the shit-eating grin plastered on my face quickly morphed into a what-the-fuck expression when my eyes landed on my old friend in the dark with…

“Lizzie?” Claire demanded, twisting around on my lap to glower at her friend. “What are you doing sneaking around in the dark with my brother?”

Never one to miss an opportunity to throw shade at me, Lizzie tossed back, “What are you doing sneaking around in the dark with my enemy?”

“Don’t you dare call him names,” Claire warned, sounding more furious than I ever heard her. She sprang off my lap like a jacked-up backstreet fighter and paced the floor in front of the couch, hands balled into fists at her side.

“Whoa, Claire-Bear,” I tried to coax, reaching for her hand. “It’s all good.”

“No, it’s not,” she replied tightly, not meeting my eyes. “Nothing is good in the world, and this school is full of fake people!”

“Fake?” I frowned. “Who’s fake, baby?”