Page 173 of Taming 7

“I told you that I’m not leaving you alone to be kidnapped,” I growled, absolutely following her. “You little demon!”

“Being kidnapped is sounding awfully tempting right now,” she spat out. “At least it would save me from being anywhere near you, you big bull.”

“Oh, so I’m a bull now?”


“How’d you figure that one?”

“Uh, maybe because you look like one. Except that you have piercings in your nipples instead of your nose!”

“Are you saying that my tits resemble those of a bull?”

“If the moo fits, Gerard!”

“Take it back.”


“That was a very fucking hurtful statement to make.”


“Take it back.”

“I said no!”

“Take it back, Claire, or I’ll be forced to say something myself.”

“Like what?”

“Like how the webbed baby toe on your left foot isn’t cute,” I called out. “I lied. It’s weird as fuck!”

“Oh, you are such an asshole,” she screamed, throwing her hands up. “Now I’m glad I said it. And you know what else, Gerard Gibson? Your jokes aren’t even funny half the time. That’s right. You have shit craic.”

“How dare you!” I staggered back, feeling like she had physically struck me. “My craic is ninety.”

“Your craic is mediocre,” Claire called over her shoulder, storming through the tree line. “Now go away!”

“Jesus Christ,” I growled, pressing my fingers to my temples. I shook my head, at a complete fucking loss with this girl. “Can you stop walking away from me for two goddamn minutes and just talk to me calmly so we can figure this out!”

“No, because it’s always words with you!” she screamed, pushing her rain-drenched hair back from her face. “It’s always words and smiles and conversations and I’m over it, Gerard!” She threw her hands up in the air—dramatic as always—as the heavens continued to pelt down on us. “Oh my god. What’s the point in even arguing with you?” She shook her head and screamed, “You’re never going to get it!”

“Get it?”

“Us, Gerard!” she screamed. “You don’t get us!”

“Us?” Now I was the furious one. “You think I don’t get us?” I demanded, upping my pace and closing the space between us. “Oh, I get us, Claire,” I snapped, bristling with temper. “I’ve been getting us for a lot fucking longer than you!” Catching up with her, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to face me. “Stop running away from me, dammit.”

“Then why don’t you do something about it?” she challenged, tears mixing with raindrops. “Huh?” She ripped her hand free and stormed off, only to turn back around and stalk back to me. “Dammit, Gerard, why won’t you just show me how you feel?”

“I do!”

“No, you don’t,” she choked out, shoving me again. “You tell me.” Tears dripped onto her cheeks as she cried. “You’re always telling me, Gerard, when I’m standing here begging you to show me.”

“I can’t!”

“Why not?”