Page 140 of Taming 7

“Yeah, Hugh,” Mark wheezed, using my intervention to break free from my brother’s hold. “Listen to your sister.”

“You fucking…”

“Let’s go, Hugh!” I shouted, pushing at his chest in my bid to get him out of this room. “Walk away now or I’m telling Mam!”

“You stay the hell away from her!” Hugh warned, body trembling, as he jabbed a finger in Mark’s direction while reluctantly allowing me to push him into the landing. “Do you hear me? You keep your goddamn eyes off her!”

“Or what?” the older man goaded.

My brother narrowed his eyes in challenge. “Fuck around and find out, asshole.”

“Relax, kid. I’m married now,” Mark spat out. “I have no intention of looking at your sister.”

“I’m not talking about my sister,” Hugh roared, chest heaving. “This is your one and only warning, asshole.”


So, Who’s the Big Spoon?


“Gibs, for the last time, stop bleeding spooning me!” was the first thing I heard my best friend say on Wednesday morning, swiftly followed by the heel of his foot digging into my shin.

“Okay, ow,” I huffed, blinking my eyes open when pain ricocheted up my leg. “That fucking hurt, Cap. You know I bruise like a peach.”

“It was supposed to,” Johnny grumbled, shaking my arm off before pulling himself up into a sitting position. “Since when have I ever given you the impression that I’m the little spoon in this relationship?”

“And I am?”

“Well, it isn’t bleeding me!”

“I can’t help it, okay,” I huffed, flopping onto my back. “I’m used to cuddling Claire at night.”

“And I’m used to cuddling Shannon.” Reaching behind his back, he retrieved a pillow and smacked me upside the head with it. “Not my fucking flanker.”

“Yeah, well, those Lynches are like breeding vessels, so if you think about it, this impromptu sleepover might have just saved your ass from joining Lynchy on his trip down early fatherhood lane.”

“Hold up.” Johnny narrowed his eyes at me. “Did you just call my girlfriend a breeding vessel?”

“Shh, don’t be cranky,” I coaxed, rolling onto my side to snuggle the pillow he tried to maim me with. “You said it yourself that you and Shan want a bunch of kids when you’re older, so think of it as a compliment.”

“I don’t know what to think when it comes to the shit that comes out of your mouth, Gibs, I really don’t.”

“That’s your problem, Johnny,” I replied with a yawn. “You do too much thinking.”

“And you don’t think at all.”

“Yep. Sounds about right.”

“Care to explain the late-night visit?” he asked then. “Because I have to say, Gibs, you’ve done a lot of strange things since we first met, but creeping into my bed in the middle of the night is definitely a first.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” I offered him a sheepish grin. “I probably should’ve given you the heads-up first, huh?”

“Would’ve been nice.”

Grinning, I said, “Would it sound strange if I told you I get nightmares and you make me feel safe?”

“Only a lot,” Johnny shot back, looking mildly entertained by my antics. “So, what happened?”