Page 110 of Taming 7

“Uh-huh.” Chomping down on another bite of toast, she plucked at a rogue thread on her navy school trousers. “Or should I call him an old flame?”

“Huh?” Confusion and curiosity sparked to life, and I made a beeline for the couch opposite her, toast forgotten. “I have an old flame?”

“Apparently so.”

“Oh my god. Who?” Excitement bubbled inside of me, causing my entire frame to squirm with anticipation. “What did you hear?”

“I’ll tell you when you close your legs, you big eejit,” she shot back, gesturing to where I was sitting cross-legged on the couch. “You’re in a skirt, Claire. The whole world can see the color of your knickers when you sit like that.”

“Oh please, we’re alone and I’m wearing black tights,” I grumbled, but begrudgingly complied. “How would anyone know?”

“True,” she agreed, polishing off the last bite of toast. “They’re pink—but true.”

“Come on, Liz!” I whined, drumming my hands on my lap. “Tell me what you heard.”

“Jamie Kelleher is planning on asking you out again.”

I stared blankly at her. “Come again?”

“Jamie Kelleher,” she repeated in a slow drawl. “Wants to go out with you again.”

“He does?” My eyes widened. “Who said?”

“He said,” she replied. “He told his friend right outside by the lockers that he’s planning on asking you to the cinema.”

“Shut the front door!” I screamed, throwing my hands up. “Oh my god, why?”

“Maybe he wants a repeat performance,” she offered with a smirk. “One that Thor doesn’t sabotage.”

“But that was all the way back in second year. We were practically babies then.” A wave of mild hysteria washed over me. “And isn’t he going out with Chitra Govindarajan since last year?”

“Not anymore,” Lizzie explained. “She left for the University of Brighton at the end of the summer. They ended on good terms, though, which shows us that he knows how to treat a girl and isn’t a complete dog like the rest of them.”

“Except for when he tried to put his hand under my dress at the disco in second year,” I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. “And Gerard didn’t sabotage anything that night. He saved me.”

“Okay, well, like you said, that was a million years ago, and Jamie’s done a lot of growing up since then.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Liz,” I muttered, worrying my lip.

“He’s smart, he’s attractive. He’s single.” Beaming, she rubbed her hands together. “And best of all, he’s not a rugby player.”

“Doesn’t he play chess?”

She stared blankly back at me. “So?”

“Well, I don’t know anything about chess,” I blurted out, eyes widening. “Our friends play rugby.”

“Chess is a far superior skill.”

“But I don’t understand chess, Liz,” I tossed back, feeling flustered. “I understand rugby.”

“He’s a good egg, Claire,” she pushed. “And when he asks you out, I think you should go out with him.”

“Ew, no,” I strangled out, feeling my heart buck in protest at the mere thought. “I can’t go out with Jamie.”

“Why not?”

“Because I…” Words failing on me, I tried again. “Because I’m…”