Page 182 of Taming 7

No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t good at all, and this girl only made my life a million times more miserable. Still, I offered my best friend a clipped nod and forced myself to comply and ignore her.

“He sure is good,” Lizzie sniped. “A good-for-nothing traitor bastard!”

“Back off,” Johnny warned, quickly cutting her off. “I get that you’re one of Shannon’s best friends, and I’m trying to respect that relationship, really I am, but don’t walk over a line here, because he’s my best friend and I won’t hesitate to take his side.”

Lizzie continued to glare at us for a long beat before turning around and stalking back into the house.

“You’d really take my side?” I asked, ignoring the sound of the door slamming.

“I’m already on your side, Gibs.”

Well, shit.

“You know, you’re like the brother I never had.”

“Don’t get messy on me, Gibs.” He chuckled. “You haven’t had that much to drink, lad.”

“Yet,” I corrected with a smile. “I’m so fucking glad your grandmother died when she did.”

“Wow, thanks, Gibs.”

“Because you’re here,” I tried to explain. “Fuck knows where I’d be if you hadn’t moved to Ballylaggin.”


Several hours later, as I threw shapes around the Biggses’ jam-packed kitchen to the Ghostbusters anthem, I concluded that Johnny might be on to something when he labeled me a messy drunk. I certainly felt like a mess right about now.

“Nah,” I slurred, toasting myself before necking my seventh ghost-shaped, vodka-jelly shot. “Fuck ’em all.”

“Steady up on the shots, pet,” Mammy Number 2 instructed, and then she did the unthinkable and took the tray out of my hand. “That’s a good boy.”

“Sinead!” I wailed, eyeing the tray longingly. “I helped make those.”

“Yes, you did, Gibs,” she agreed, squeezing my cheek with affection. “And now you can let the others help you drink them.”

“Fine.” Huffing out a breath, I slumped against the island and sulked. “Ruin my life, why don’t ya?”

“Why don’t you go and see what Claire is doing instead of standing around on your own all night, hmm?” Leaning a hip against the island, she smiled up at me. “I’m sure she’d love to have a dance with you.”

“While I would love to dance with your daughter, it wouldn’t be a wise move.”

“Oh?” She smirked. “And why not?”

“Because I might be tempted to do more than just dance with her,” I replied in a solemn tone. “I might be lured into performing the physical act of love.”

“You do realize it’s me you’re talking to, don’t you, Gibs?” Frowning, Claire’s mam reached up and felt my brow. “As in Claire’s mother.”

“Oh yes.” I nodded solemnly. “I’d know your tits anywhere. Thank you, by the way. For making Claire. You did a top-notch job on that one.” Frowning I added, “The older one could do with a bit of work, but the younger one is perfect.”

“Oh dear.” Sinead sighed wearily. “I think it’s time someone’s mother comes to collect him.”

“I think you might be right.” Sighing dramatically, I swiped another shot from the confiscated tray and tossed it back. “Meanwhile, until she arrives, I must resume my dancing a safe distance from your daughter’s perfect tits. Thanks for those, too, by the way.”


Pumpkins and Punch-Ups