Page 13 of Taming 7

Why can’t you see me?

Death would be better than this.

It hurts.

I was already dying on the inside.

Make it stop.

My insides were already ruined.

Make him stop.

My heart slowly disintegrated in my chest.

No, don’t take me away from them.

My heartbeat grew sluggish in my chest, but I could still hear my pulse thundering in my ears.

No. Please. Stop him from saving me.

Because I would never be healed.

It’s your fault she’s dead.

I could feel his hands on my body.

Keep your eyes on the door.


Please let me go.

It was building up in my chest.

I want my dad.

Clawing at my throat.

Don’t make me let go of his hand.

Drowning me.

I can’t see my sister.

Smothering me.

She’s disappearing deeper and deeper into the darkness.

Pushing against my lungs to the point where I couldn’t breathe.

He’s coming closer.


Go with her.
