Page 81 of Binding 13

I stared back at him, feeling totally confused.

“So, are you coming?” Johnny asked.

When I continued to stare blankly at him, he clarified.

“To the party. Hughie’s ma is throwing on a spread for the team at their house.”


“Yes, you,” he replied, giving me a peculiar look.

My heart rate increased to a dangerous level as I stared up at this beautiful boy who was asking me to a party. Wait, was he asking me, or inviting me?

Oh god, I didn’t know.

Frowning, Johnny added, “You’re friends with his sister, Claire, aren’t you?”

“Oh.” I shook my head vigorously. “Oh, ah, no, I’m not. I mean, yes, I am friends with Claire, but I’m not going to the party.”

He arched a brow. “How come?”

“Because I’m not allowed to go anywhe—” I stopped myself short and quickly steered my words in a safer direction. “I have to help my mam in the evenings.”

“She’s pregnant,” he stated in a thoughtful tone.

“Yep,” I replied and then, because I was a glutton for making a situation uncomfortable, I added, “She’s due in August.”

“Congratulations?” Johnny offered, shifting uncomfortably.

Nice work, Shannon, I mentally hissed.

“Thanks,” I replied, squirming.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” he asked then. “I won’t be drinking so I can give you a spin home when you want to go—”

“Cap,” one of his teammates called out then. “Get your ass over here, lad, and lift this fucking cup.”

“I’m fucking talking here, Pierce,” Johnny snapped, turning around to glare at whoever was calling him. “Give me a bleeding minute.”

“Your friends are calling you,” I hurried to say, knowing that I needed to get away from this boy before I did something incredibly stupid like accept his invitation.

Because I wanted to. I really, really wanted to. And if I stayed here and kept looking at him, I knew I would.

“I better go,” I added, giving Johnny yet another dopey wave. “Have a great time.”

I didn’t wait to hear his response. Instead, I turned on my heels and hurried away with my heart hammering around in my chest.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come for an hour?” I heard Johnny call after me.

“I’m sure,” I called back over my shoulder as I hurried away. “Bye, Johnny.”

“Yeah, uh, bye, Shannon.”

The sound of boys laughing and snickering behind me filled my ears, but I didn’t dare look back. Instead, I did the sensible thing and removed myself from temptation with Claire’s words ringing in my ears.

“Boys with pretty eyes and big muscles mess everything up for girls.”

How right she was.