Page 63 of Binding 13

“Don’t look at me all judgy,” she grumbled. “Just because you’ve never seen a dick.”

“I haven’t,” Claire offered, holding her hand up. “Not even the tip.”

“Neither have I,” I fully admitted, shaking my head. “I’ve never even kissed a boy.”

“That’s just sad, Shan,” Lizzie retorted.

I flamed beet red.

“Don’t be a bitch,” Claire quipped. “Tell us about it.”

Lizzie shrugged. “What’s to tell?”

“When did it happen?” I asked.


“And you didn’t think to tell us?” Claire squeaked. “Oh my god, Liz, we were in school with you all day Friday and you never once mentioned anything!”

Lizzie shrugged but didn’t respond.

Claire and I both eyeballed each other before Claire asked, “Where did it happen?”

“In his car.”

“Ugh,” we both groaned in sympathy.

No girl wanted her first time to happen in the back seat of a car.


“The GAA grounds.”

“Ugh,” we chorused again.

“Yeah,” Lizzie deadpanned. “And word to the wise, girls, don’t give it up.” Settling back on a pillow, Lizzie rested her back against the headboard and picked up her magazine before adding, “It hurts, it’s disappointing, there’s blood, and the boy turns into a complete spanner afterward.”

“He broke up with you?” I gasped.

“I’ll kick his ass,” Claire hissed.

“No,” Lizzie responded. “But he’s been acting all standoffish since.”

“What a fucker,” Claire growled.

“Yep,” Lizzie agreed.

“Did it hurt really bad?” I asked, curious.

“Like a burning-hot poker being rammed in your cooch,” she replied.

Claire and I winced in sympathy.

“Are you okay?” I asked, feeling a deep surge of sympathy for my friend. Lizzie was hard as nails and rarely showed an ounce of emotion, but this was a big deal for any girl.

“I’m always okay, Shan,” was her clipped response.

“See, that is exactly why nothing is going inside my area,” Claire declared with a shudder, flopping back down and resting her head on my legs. “I think I’d die if I saw a penis coming toward me.”