Page 59 of Binding 13

Reaching into my bag, I pulled it out, checked the screen, and then resisted the urge to fling it at the wall.

“Fucking Bella,” I grumbled, canceling the call and tossing my phone back in my bag.

Gibsie grimaced. “What’s going on there?”

“Nothing,” I replied. “It’s done with.”

“Does Bella know that?”

“She should,” I replied flatly. “She’s the one who ended it.”


“Yep.” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhaled a calming breath before adding, “She’s fucking around with Cormac Ryan now.”

“And you’re okay about it?”

“Don’t give a fuck if I’m being honest, lad,” I replied flatly. “I’m more relieved than anything.”

Gibsie shook his head. “You sure? You were messing around with her for a long time.”

“I was done a long time ago, Gibs,” I admitted. “Trust me, lad, all I want her to do is leave me the hell alone.”

“Well, if that’s true, then it’s the best news I’ve heard all year,” Gibsie declared. “Because I honest to god cannot stomach that girl. She’s a dangerous fucking female. I was half-afraid you’d end up getting her pregnant and we’d be stuck with her for life.”

“No chance of that happening,” I told him as I repressed a shudder. “I always wrap my shit.”

“She’s a needle-in-a-condom type, lad,” Gibsie shot back. “And you’re a shining beacon of light for those girls—with a huge neon euro sign hanging over your head.”

“I pull out,” I shot back. “Always.”

“Every time?”

“Why are you asking me about my sexual health?” I deadpanned.

Gibsie grimaced. “Because she’s dirty.”

“Gibs, you don’t say shite like that about a girl,” I warned. “It’s not on.”

“I’m not saying that about just any girl.” He shrugged and added, “I’m saying it about that girl.”

“Well, I’m fine,” I bit out. “Had my tests last month and I’m clean as a whistle.”

“Thank god.” He sighed, looking relieved. “Because she—”

“Can we not talk about her anymore?” I interrupted, thoroughly sickened at the thought of her. “I’m tired of hearing about her, Gibs.”

“Okay, but let me ask you one more question,” he replied. “Just one and I’ll drop it.”

I sighed wearily and waited for him to speak, knowing that it didn’t matter whether I agreed or not.

Clearing his throat, he asked, “Are you relieved Bella ended whatever the fuck you’d call what you two were doing because you were tired of Bella?” He studied my face for a few moments before adding, “Or because you’re into the girl?”

His question caused me to pause mid-button. “The girl?”

“Yeah, the girl.”

“What girl?” I asked, feigning ignorance.