Page 57 of Binding 13

“Don’t even think about it,” were the words that came out of my mouth.

“I won’t—for now,” Gibs replied, eyes alight with mischief. “But I’ve a feeling that I’m going to marry her.”

His comment stopped me in my tracks. “What?”

It was too weird.

Even for him.

“Providing we both make it out of our youth without any accidental babies,” he added thoughtfully. “And her brother doesn’t cut my dick off first, of course.”

“Claire’s in third year,” I deadpanned. “And she’s your teammate’s little sister. The fuck’s wrong with you, Gibs?”

“Did I say I was going to marry her today?” Gibsie countered. “No, fucker, I did not, so clean your ears out. I meant when I’m old as fuck and I’m done sowing my wild oats.”

“Old as fuck?” I gaped at him. “Sowing your wild oats?”

“Yeah.” He shrugged. “You know, like thirty or something.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, well, word to the wise, Gibs: bag those wild oats while you’re sowing them. And keep them far away from girls like that one.”

“Hey, don’t give me those judgy eyes,” Gibsie scoffed. “I always bag my shit. And there’s nothing wrong with liking her. You’re the one with the phobia to girls your own age, lad, not me.”

Aware that we were having this extremely messed-up conversation in the middle of the courtyard, I searched around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. Gibsie wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but I’d feel pretty fucking bereft if Hughie was to hear him talking about his baby sister like this and murder him.

At that exact moment, my gaze landed on the tiny brunette, laden down with an armful of books, skipping down the steps of the science building and hurrying over to the blonds. A sudden swell of something filled my chest when I recognized the brunette as Shannon.

Goddammit, why did she have to look like that? Why did every single thing about that tiny fucking girl scream out to me?

It wasn’t fair.

Actually, fuck fair; it was downright cruel.

It didn’t make any sense for me to find her attractive. She was nothing like the girls I usually fucked around with. I liked curves. I loved tits. And I was a sucker for a big ass.

She had none of the above.

But she had legs. And hair. And a smile. And those fucking midnight blue eyes—which I didn’t think was a good enough word to describe the color. They should have been called soul blue because they were deep as fuck and sucked a person right in…

And then she went and dropped her books.

They scattered on the ground and Shannon bent over to pick them up, causing her skirt to rise up way too fucking high. Two smooth, pale thighs filled my vision, sending a surge of red flags shooting up in my brain and a wave of heat flushing through my body.

“Ah, shite,” I muttered under my breath, caught off guard by both the sight of her and my body’s explosive reaction to the sight of her.

Dropping my gaze, I inhaled a few steadying breaths, desperately trying to regain control of my problematic dick.

“What’s wrong?” Gibsie asked, looking around us for the source of my obvious discomfort.

“Nothing,” I muttered, running an aggravated hand through my hair. “Let’s go.”

Gibsie, noticing my obvious issue, threw his head back at my reaction and howled laughing.

“Do you have a—holy shit, you do!” he choked out through fits of laughter. “And you’re blushing!” He clapped me on the shoulder and snorted loudly. “Ah, lad, I love it.”

“It’s not my fault,” I snarled as I thundered off in the direction of the changing rooms, walking like the rhinestone fucking cowboy. “I can’t control it these days.”

Plowing into the changing rooms, I stripped off my clothes and went straight for the showers with the intention of burning the pain and discomfort out of my system.