Page 395 of Binding 13

“Look at it this way,” Dad offered with a smirk. “You’ll have unlimited time on your hands to spend with Gibsie.”

“Oh, Jesus.”

Dad laughed. “Who I presume will never let you live down last night.”

“Nope.” I grimaced. “He probably won’t.” I looked to him then, and asked, “So, how long am I going to be stuck in the hospital for?”

“A couple more days,” Dad replied. “We’ll take you home then, and you can get started on rehab.”

“You really believe I can turn this around, Da?”

Dad nodded. “If you start following the rules, then absolutely, you can turn this around.”

I shook my head again. “Why the fuck didn’t I talk to you months ago?”

“Because I’m a workaholic father who should have spent more time focusing on keeping my son out of danger, rather than on keeping other fathers’ sons out of prison,” he replied.

“Da, stop,” I warned. “It’s not your fault. Or Ma’s.”

“No, it’s yours,” he agreed, again stinging me with the truth. “But, you’re young and green and stubborn, and I’m supposed to be there to rein you in. I will be there, Johnny,” he added then. “More.”

“I don’t blame you for loving your work,” I replied. “I’m the same.”

He smirked. “I know you are. I’ve cleared my schedule for the rest of the Easter holidays.”

My brows shot up. “You’re coming home?”

“I am, son.”

“And Ma?”

My father laughed. “Oh, Johnny, if she had her way she’d put you back in a pram and push you around with her. She’s not going to leave you out of her sight.”


“You need to earn it back, son.”


Dad nodded. “That’s right.”

“So, where is she?” I grumbled, thinking about how much crying I was going to face from my mother.

“She’ll be back in a bit,” Dad said. “She’s gone to get you some clothes.”

“And Gibsie?”

“He’s in the canteen,” he replied with a smile. “The girl behind the counter is after catching his eye.”

“I bet,” I muttered.

Horny fucker.

“Gibsie is staying with us until we take you home to Cork,” Dad said then. “And probably facing suspension when you return from Easter break.” Smirking, Dad added, “You should have heard what he called your coach when he came to the hospital earlier. That’s what took me so long to come back to you. Gerard refused point-blank to go back on the bus. Apparently, he broke out of the hotel to come see you in the early hours of this morning. He’s in some serious trouble with your principal. I had to phone the school and his parents before Coach Mulcahy agreed to let him stay with us.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I groaned. “Can’t take him anywhere.”

“He’s a loyal friend to you, Johnny,” Dad replied. “You’re lucky to have him.”