Page 383 of Binding 13

“She’s the one,” I whispered, trying to eyeball him in the darkness. “With the perfect tits.”

“You saw her tits?” Gibsie asked.

I nodded happily. “Yep.”


“When she was playing with my calculator,” I slurred. “I love her, Gibs. So much. Balls much.”

“I know you do,” Gibsie mused, patting my shoulder. “Bulldozer.”

I shrugged. “And I’m not even sorry.”

“Gerard, maybe you shouldn’t bring Shannon in here,” Mam said, sounding concerned. “He’s partial to say anything right about now.”

“No, no, no,” I grumbled, not feeling happy now. “I wanna see her.”

“Johnny, love, she can come visit when you’re more yourself—”

“Shannon?” I roared, calling out her name at the top of my lungs. “Shannon?”

“Let the girl in, Edel,” Dad mused. “He’s going to scream the place down like a toddler otherwise.”


“Oh Jesus, fine!” Mam muttered. “You better behave yourself, Jonathan.”

The sound of high heels clicking on tiles filled my ears, and then I was blinded in light. A few moments passed by in hushed whispers. And then I heard those two words.

“Hi, Johnny.”

“Boom, boom, fucking boom, Da,” I groaned, slapping a hand against my chest. “I’m done for.”

66I Won’t Leave You


“Shannon, love,” Mrs. Kavanagh acknowledged when she stepped out of Johnny’s hospital room and found me skulking in the corridor. “It’s lovely to see you again.”

“Hi, Mrs. Kavanagh,” I croaked out, feeling incredibly uncertain.

I’d been lurking around outside Johnny’s room for over ten minutes, forcing myself not to push my way through the door. I knew his parents were in there, and that should have terrified me, but it didn’t. Because I needed to see that boy more than I needed to be afraid.

Pushing off the wall, I clasped my hands together and asked, “Is Johnny okay?”

“Well,” she said, worrying her lip. “He’s a little off form right now, love.”

Oh god.

Concern burst to life inside of me.

“Can I see him?” I forced myself to be brave and ask.

Mrs. Kavanagh frowned.

“Please? I’ll be really quick,” I begged, hoping his mother would take mercy on my fragile heart. “I just need to see him…uh, I mean, I need to check that he’s…okay.”

With a heavy sigh, Mrs. Kavanagh nodded and gestured for me to go inside.