Page 348 of Binding 13

Anxious, I stretched up to flag Claire and Lizzie, praying one of them would switch seats with me, but quickly sank back in my seat when my eyes landed on Ronan McGarry two rows up on the opposite side of the bus. Another dozen rows up was Bella.

Feeling trapped, I looked to Johnny, who had turned in his seat and was exchanging verbal insults with the lads in the back row behind us.

“He scores on the pitch, he scores on the bus. How many tries did you hammer into her goal line, Johnny?”

I flamed in embarrassment and dropped my head, quickly learning that spending any amount of time with Johnny meant being on the receiving end of a lot of attention.

Unwanted attention.

I didn’t quite catch what was said next, but Johnny leaped out of his seat and stalked to the back of the bus, so I presumed it was of the explicit variety.

I didn’t dare look. Instead, I kept my head down and my gaze trained on my trembling hands.

“The fuck you say about her?”

“I was messing… Ah, fuck, stop! Jesus, relax! It was a joke.”

“Am I laughing, Robbie?”

“Relax, Cap.”

“Am I fucking laughing, asshole?”

“No. Christ—ouch! Stop.”

“Do you think she’s laughing?”


“No,” Johnny sneered. “Don’t push me again, ya little culchie bollox.”


“Say it again.”

“I’m sorry, Johnny—”

“To her!” Johnny roared, loud enough that it drew the attention of the entire bus. “Apologize to her. Now.”

“Sorry, Shannon,” a chorus of male voices called out.

“Um, that’s okay?” I offered back, because what the hell else could I do?

“Fucking eejits,” Johnny growled when he reclaimed his seat beside me a minute later.

Nudging my leg with his, he drew my attention back to him.

“Don’t mind them,” he said in a low tone. “That’s about me, not you, okay?”

Nodding, I blew out a shaky breath and turned to look out the window.

He hurt me. He dismissed me. And then he jumped right in and defended my honor.

And now?

Now, I was so confused that it was hurting my brain.

The bus roared to life a few minutes later and we were back on the road. Mrs. Moore called for everyone’s attention then and announced reflection time.