Page 327 of Binding 13

Was she okay? Was she mad at me?

Should I go over there? Should I leave her alone?

I didn’t know. And I didn’t even have her bleeding phone number to call and check.

We were breaking from school tomorrow for two weeks.

I had a match in Dublin tomorrow.

What if I didn’t see her before then? What if she didn’t come back to school? What the fuck was I going to do then?

Jesus Christ, I was losing my mind.

Using every ounce of self-control I had inside of me, I forced myself to push her out of my mind, as I headed out for training after school. Because I didn’t need this—I didn’t need these feelings—fucking with my game.

“Are you with her?” Bella demanded when I reached the entrance of the P.E. hall after school, dragging me from my thoughts.

Shaking my head, I continued walking with every intention of ignoring her, but she grabbed my arm and hissed, “Answer me.”

“Mind your own fucking business,” I snapped, repressing the urge to shudder at her touch. “And stay out my life.”

I needed her to not come near me today. I was peppering with rage and my tongue wasn’t something I thought I could control if she pushed me.

“Answer the fucking question, Johnny,” Bella hissed in a warning tone.

“And if I am?” I shot back, glaring down at her. “What’s it to you?”

“Then you’re a fucking idiot,” she hissed, eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and anger. “Because that girl has virgin written all over her.”

“It’s not all about sex, Bella,” I countered, wrenching my arm free. “And don’t put your hands on me again,” I added, my tone laced with distain. “Your touch is not welcome.”

“Not all about sex?” she sneered. “Ha. I’ll give you a month with the frigit before you get bored and stray.”

“I was bored of you after one night,” I sneered.

“Then why did you keep coming back for more?” she demanded.

“Because I was lazy and you were as easy as they come.” I lost my temper and hissed, “You were a phone call away, Bella—one quick text to wet my dick. That’s all you ever were to me.”

I was expecting the hand that whacked against my cheek. I deserved a slap. No girl deserved to be called easy, regardless of how true it was. It was a low blow and one I found myself apologizing for.

“I didn’t mean that,” I bit out. “That was a shitty thing to say.”

“Yeah, Johnny, it was,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I know,” I snapped, finding not an ounce of patience inside of me to deal with this girl. “That’s why I said it was.”

“Why are you being like this?” Bella asked, her tone taking on a softer hint. “Why are you being cruel to me?”

“I’m not being anything to you,” I bit out. “I just want to get to training, and you’re blocking my way.”

“Because I want to talk to you,” she countered hotly.

“We have nothing to say to each other, Bella,” I told her with a shake of my head. “Not anymore.”

“Did you see me?” she asked then, clearly baiting me. “With your teammate?”

“I don’t give two shites what you do with my teammates,” I replied calmly.