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“Why? What are you going to do if I don’t, Johnny?” Bella hissed, jumping out of her chair and slapping his chest. “Hit me?”

“No…” Johnny paused to drag Cormac Ryan out of his chair, “I’m going to hit him.”

And then he smashed his fist into Cormac Ryan’s face.

Unlike yesterday, I did not wait to see the outcome. Instead, I turned on my heels and bolted out of the lunch hall. Because I knew this could go one of two ways. Either way it went, I would lose.

I’d witnessed incidents just like this one, where Joey would jump in to defend my honor. It made no difference to girls like that one.

I always lost.

55Calm Your Tits


“What the fuck are you doing?” I snarled when Gibsie and Hughie dragged me out of the lunch hall before I had a chance to get a second punch in on Cormac.

“Stopping you from doing something really stupid,” Gibsie explained calmly as he steered me out of the main building. “Again, Bulldozer.”

“What were you thinking?” Hughie demanded when we reached the courtyard and were out of view of the office. “You know how much trouble you’d be in with the Academy if they knew you were fighting at school!

“Fuck the Academy,” I snarled, shaking their hands off. “I was trying to defend her.”

“Well, all you ended up doing was embarrassing the girl,” Hughie barked. “Congratulations, Cap. Like she doesn’t have enough shit to deal with. You just single-handedly made her the target of every one of your little fangirls.”

Furious, I ran a hand through my hair to stop myself from swinging a punch at one of my buddies. “You heard what she said back there,” I hissed, feeling my body vibrate with rage. “What did you expect me to do?”

“She didn’t want you to defend her, lad,” Gibsie added. “She told you that.”

“Well, she was wrong,” I spat out.

“Well, now she’s gone,” Gibsie told me. “So calm your tits.”

She was gone?

That gave me pause for thought.

Swinging around, I spotted Claire, the viper, and Kate all standing alongside us, but no Shannon.

“Yeah, she’s definitely gone,” Feely added as he strolled over to us with his hands shoved in his pockets.

“You with the new girl, Cap?” Pierce asked, joining the never-ending circle of fucking nuisance. “You kept that one on the quiet.”

“What? No,” I muttered, exhaling a weary sigh as the anger dissipated from my body. “I don’t know what I am anymore. I don’t know what the fuck is happening to me.”

“Well,” Lizzie piped up. “You just earned some major brownie points in my eyes.” She patted my arm. “And trust me, I don’t give those out often.”

“She doesn’t,” Pierce offered with a knowing grimace.

“Are we still heading to your gaff?” Feely asked. “Seems pointless going back in now.”

I shook my head, needing a damn minute to work through my thoughts.

What the hell just happened? How did I allow myself to lose control like that?

And where the fuck did she go? Was she okay?

I was going to kill someone. I could feel the anger growing back up inside of me at the thought of Shannon’s resigned expression.