Page 208 of Binding 13

“Take off?” I gaped at him. “Where?”

“I have somewhere I need to be,” was all he replied and then moved for the door.

“Hold the fuck up,” I ordered, stepping in his way. “Your sister is in the shower.”

“Yeah.” He rubbed his jaw and said, “I’m going to need you to hold on to her for me.”

“Hold on to her?” I shook my head, struggling to comprehend what the fuck was happening. “You just want me to hold on to your sister?”

“That’s what I said, wasn’t it?” Joey shot back tightly.

“You’re not saying anything,” I snarled. “That’s the problem. You’re not telling me shit!”

“I did tell you,” he snapped. “I told you to ask Shannon.”

“So, you’re what, just going to leave her here?” I demanded. “For how long?”

“I don’t know,” Joey shot back.

“You don’t know?”

“Yeah, I don’t fucking know,” he spat out. “Is that a problem?”

“It’s not a problem that she’s here,” I growled. “It’s a problem that you’re leaving her here and I have no goddamn idea of what to tell her.”

“Fine,” Joey snapped, glaring at me with blazing green eyes. “Tell my sister our father just called. Our mother had a miscarriage on Friday night, and he’s on the way home from the hospital with her now.”

“Shite,” I muttered.

“You have no fucking idea,” Joey bit out as he shoved past me and stormed down the hallway.

“Do you want me to bring her straight home?” I asked, having no goddamn clue how to deal with this. I followed after him, feeling at a complete loss. “Or take her to the hospital—”

“I want you to hold fucking on to her,” Joey roared. Stopping at the front door, he spun around and glared up at me. “Can you do that, Johnny Kavanagh? Can you look after my sister for me?”

“Yes,” I bit out, not liking his tone but knowing he must be feeling some kind of grief. “I can.”

“Good,” he snapped. “I’ll call when I can to sort out picking her up. Just keep her until I call you, okay?”

Sort out picking her up?

The fuck did he think his sister was? A bleeding package?

Knowing the guy must be going through hell right now, I simply nodded and tapped my number into the phone he held out for me and handed it back to him.

“Gussie!” Joey barked, sliding his phone back into his pocket. “I’m leaving now if you want a spin into town for your car.”

Gibsie popped his head out from the living room door.

“Everything okay?” he asked, looking between us in confusion.

“Go on,” I told Gibsie, gesturing for him to follow Joey who was stalking down the driveway to his car.

“You sure?”

I nodded stiffly.

Thankfully, Gibsie had the good sense to not ask questions. Instead, he gave me a quick salute and hurried after Shannon’s brother.