Page 199 of Binding 13

“Shit, Kav,” Gibsie snickered, taking a step back from the stove. “I was wrong. This fucker right here is the daddy.”

“Do me a favor, Kav,” Joey called over his shoulder. “Go and check on my sister, will ya?”

My heart leaped in my chest. “Shannon?”

Joey nodded and reached for a plate off the countertop. Shoveling several pieces of bacon onto the plate, he added, “She’s out in the car.”

“Why would you leave her in the car?” I demanded, tone tight. “It’s freezing outside.”

“Because she wouldn’t come in for me,” Joey shot back in what sounded like a duh tone. “You can try and get her to come inside yourself if you want, but she’s not budging.”

He didn’t need to ask me twice. Or give me permission once, for that matter. I was already on my feet and moving for the front door.

34Mauled by Dogs and Feelings


Feeling shocked, I sat in the back seat of Aoife’s car and stared up at the Kavanagh house, debating my options.

Should I go inside? Should I wait out here? Should I curl up in a ball and pretend I wasn’t here?

Was his mother inside? Was his father there?

I was mortified over what happened Friday, and while I had been okay when we were together at the pub and the cinema, I’d spent the last two nights lying awake and drowning in humiliation over throwing up in front of Johnny.

I was thrown off-kilter by this boy, and being in his personal space was something I didn’t know how to handle.

I wasn’t sure I could handle my feelings for him.

My thought process was interrupted when two pairs of enormous yellow paws slapped against the window.

Startled, I swung my gaze to find two identical-looking dogs with bright-pink collars staring back at me, whining loudly, with their mouths open and tongues lolling to one side. Without thinking twice about it, I slid Joey’s seat forward and climbed out of the car. The second my feet hit the gravel, I was assaulted with kisses and yodels as both dogs tried to climb my body.

“Hi, guys!” I reached down and rubbed them both.

My affection only seemed to rile them up because one of the dogs jumped at me, her paws slapping hard against my chest.

“Whoa.” Losing my balance, I collapsed on my arse with a loud oof.

The minute I was grounded, they both dove for me, slobbering all over my face and neck. Laughing, I tried to duck my face, but it was useless because these dogs were persistent with their loving.

What I failed to notice in the car was that both dogs had clearly rolled in cow dung lately because not only were their coats matted with mud, but they reeked so bad.

After a fruitless battle to stand up, I ended up on the flat of my back on the rain-soaked gravel as they sniffed and pawed at me and basically licked every inch of exposed skin.

“You’re a friendly pair,” I snickered, giving up on any attempt to escape. I could feel the damp seeping into my clothes, but I made no move to get up.

I couldn’t if I wanted to.

“Hi,” I laughed, grinning up at the one who had decided my stomach was the perfect home for her butt.

She had her paws pressed firmly on my shoulders as she licked at my face.

“You’re a lovely girl, aren’t you?” I cooed, as I ducked and dodged a tongue to the mouth. It was pretty pointless, considering the other one was standing by my head, fighting for attention.

“Careful,” I warned the one by my head. “My face is tender.”

“Bonnie! Cupcake! Get off her,” a familiar voice ordered from nearby, but neither dog listened. Instead, they seemed to up their efforts of loving me into a canine coma.