Page 178 of Binding 13

“Johnny, come on—”

“Now off you go,” I interrupted, waving him off. “And good luck with that—” I shot Bella a scathing look. “Because you’re going to need it.”

“That?” Bella spat out. “Who the hell do you think you’re talking about, Johnny Kavanagh?”

“I’m talking about you,” I shot back with a sneer. “And I’m wondering what the hell possessed me to ever put my dick inside something so fucking poisonous.”

A chorus of snickering erupted around the table next to us.

Gibsie laughed loudly.

So did Hughie and Katie.

I would have felt bad for the comment, but the alcohol flushing through my veins was like truth potion.

“Yeah, well, you were total shit,” Bella screamed at me. “And I will never touch you again.”

“Praise fucking Jesus,” I shot back sarcastically. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all year.”

“Hey, don’t be like that!” Cormac warned, taking a protective stance in front of her. “Bella’s my girlfriend now, and I won’t have you talking to her like that.”

I arched a brow. “Your girlfriend?”

“That’s right,” Bella hissed, smirking. “I’m his girlfriend.”

“Ah, Christ.” I rubbed a hand over my face and groaned. “I almost feel sorry for you, Ryan, because you clearly have no idea of who you’re dealing with.”

“I know exactly who you are, Kavanagh,” he snarled. “I know all about you.”

“Not me, asshole,” I growled. “Her!”

Cormac glared at me, face turning bright red. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means keep an eye on your teammates, lad,” I shot back. “Because that one’s not girlfriend material.”

His eyes narrowed. “Come outside and say that to my face.”

“I’m saying it right here,” I deadpanned. “To your face.”

“With a table in front of you and your friends at your side,” he taunted. “Big man you are. Come outside and talk shit about her to my face.”

“Nope,” Gibsie replied for me, reaching for another shot glass. “Not happening. So you can keep on walking, turncoat, because he’s not biting.”

“Shag off, Gibs.” Cormac glared down at him. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Maybe not,” Gibs replied, tossing his drink back. “But I’m sure as hell talking to you.” Shoving his stool back, he jerked to his feet and squared up to Cormac. “Now turn your ass around and take your little girlfriend back to the hole you both crawled out from.”

“Or what?” Cormac growled, pressing his forehead against Gibsie’s.

Bad fucking move on Ryan’s part.

“There’s no contract hanging over my head like there is his, asshole,” Gibsie seethed, pushing back with his forehead. “I have no fucking problem stepping in on Kav’s behalf and kicking the ever-loving shit out of your turncoat ass.”

At six feet, both lads were evenly matched in height, but Gibsie outweighed Cormac by a good thirty pounds because on the pitch, Cormac was a skilled runner and Gibs was a highly charged battering ram.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Hughie groaned, voicing my thoughts aloud. “He had to push it.”

“Yep,” Katie agreed glumly. “He sure did.”