Page 169 of Binding 13

“Here now.” Gibsie grinned widely. “Don’t be jealous of my spectacular form.”

“Your spectacular bullshit more like.”

Shaking off his hand when we reached the back door, I pushed it open and stepped aside for him to pass, and then headed for my favorite part of my house: the fridge.

“That’s the plan,” Gibsie stated. Traipsing through my kitchen like it was his own—and it might as well have been for the amount of time he spent here—he strolled over to the cupboards and grabbed a slice pan and a knife from the drawer before pulling a stool out from the center island and sinking down. “And you are not giving me any bullshit excuse tonight.”

“Who’s going?”

“Hughie and Katie are meeting us below—” He paused and then said, “And Pierce and Feely might show their faces.”

“Are any of the girls from school going?”

“Katie,” Gibsie shot back in a duh tone of voice.

“Aside from Katie,” I snapped.

Katie was a given. Hughie rarely left the girl’s side.

“No.” Gibsie frowned at me. “Why would they be?”

I leveled him with a WTF expression. “Because they always fucking show up.”

“Does it matter if they show up?”

“I’m not in the mood to be dealing with them.”

“You mean you’re not in the mood to be dealing with the crazy one,” Gibsie corrected with a grimace.

“No, I’m not,” I replied, rummaging in the fridge. “I’m not dealing with her this weekend.” With my arms laden down with sandwich supplies, I walked over to the island and tossed them down on the black marble countertop. “I need a break, Gibs.”

Gibsie shook his head and reached for the bread.

“What happened?” Snatching up the knife and the packet of cooked ham, he asked, “Is she contacting you again?”

“When isn’t she contacting me?” I bit out as I slowly chopped a tomato. “It’s a constant stream of texts and phone calls.”

All the damn time.

I stopped reading Bella’s messages weeks ago, but it still drove me batshit whenever my phone lit up because nine times out of ten, it was her on the other line.

“You must be fucking amazing in bed,” Gibsie mused. “If she’s hunting you down like this.”

“Not the point, Gibs,” I growled. “No means no, lad.”

“You can change your number,” he offered.

“What’s the point?” I grumbled. “She’ll just find a way to get my new one.”

“I know I’m always saying it, but I really have to say it one more time, lad.” Slathering two slices of bread with butter, Gibsie layered on cheese, dumped half a dozen slices of meat on top, and then proceeded to fold his sandwich in half and stuff it in his mouth before continuing. “I do not know how you ever put your dick inside that girl.”

“I lost my bleeding mind,” I bit out, focusing way too hard on spreading the butter evenly on my slice. “That’s how.”

“You can say that again,” Gibsie shot back, making himself another sandwich. “You were blinded by big tits,” he added between huge mouthfuls of ham and cheese. “And posh pussy.”

“Yeah.” Tossing the knife down on the counter, I layered my bread evenly with slices of tomato and then added some fresh chicken pieces before folding it over. “Well, I’m not blinded anymore.” Picking up my sandwich, I took a huge bite, chewing and swallowing before adding, “I’m seeing everything clearly now.”

“You need to get yourself a girlfriend, lad,” Gibsie declared. “It’s the only way you’re going to shake Bella off.”