Page 112 of Binding 13

I had no idea why I was asking these questions. I couldn’t remember ever talking to a random person for this long before.

But this was nice and Johnny was interesting. He was different.

I was stunned at how easy it was to actually talk to him.

“It must have been hard.”

“It was a pain in the hole,” Johnny muttered, clearly thinking back to the memory. “Coming into a new school halfway through the school year. Changing clubs and finding my feet in a new squad. Taking some other fella’s spot on the team and then dealing with the fallout.” He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “I had to repeat sixth class over the move—some shit about policy or something.”


“Scoil Eoin,” he offered with a grimace. “The all-boys Catholic primary school.”

My brows shot up. “Same as Hughie Biggs?”

He nodded, smiling. “Yeah, that’s where I met Hughie, Gibs, and Feely.”

“Those guys are your friends?”

He nodded, grinning now. “Unfortunately.”

“Did you mind?” I asked then. “Having to repeat sixth class at Scoil Eoin?”

“I was raging, Shannon.”

“You were?” I asked, ignoring the way my insides shivered when he said my name.

In fact, I was desperately trying to ignore the electric current of heat pulsing through my veins.

“Yeah, I was really looking forward to going to Royce with my buddies and the lads from the club,” he explained. “Christ, I was fuming with my folks when they pulled me out and enrolled me at Tommen.” He let out a small laugh, then said, “Six years later and I’m still pissed about it.”

“Well, you seem to be doing okay for yourself here,” I offered, unsure of what to say. “You have lots of friends, and you’re still playing rugby and stuff.”

“And stuff.” Johnny chuckled, highly amused by my words. He studied my face for a long beat before asking, “Do you dance?”

“No, why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know.” Johnny shrugged. “Some girls dance instead of playing sports.” His eyes trailed over me for a brief moment before returning to my face. “You look like you could be one of those—” He waved a hand around, obviously searching for a word, before finishing with, “You know, one of those tutu dancers.”

My eyes widened. “You think I look like a ballerina?”

He nodded and a laugh tore from my lips.

“What?” He grinned sheepishly. “You’re small.” He motioned to my body with his hand before adding, “It’s not that far of a stretch of the imagination.”

“Well, I’m not a ballerina.” I laughed. “Or any other dancer, for that matter. I’m just stunted.”

Johnny cocked an amused brow. “Stunted?”

“Have you seen me?” I gestured to myself. “I’m fifteen, barely five feet, and I weigh like eighty-five pounds.”

“You’re six stone?” he breathed, eyes widening in disbelief.

Meanwhile, my eyes widened in disbelief at how fast he was able to convert pounds to stones.


“Jaysus, I bench twice what you weigh in the gym.” Johnny looked me over before asking, “Are you seriously only five feet?”