Page 379 of Binding 13

“You’re in the recovery room, son.”

Jesus Christ, I was?

I could just about remember the ambulance ride to the hospital.

Everything was blurry. And painless. I had no pain.


“You had surgery, son,” my father explained.

“Fuck,” I croaked out. “Is my dick still there?”

“It’s still there.” Dad chuckled softly.

“And my balls?”

“Also there,” he mused. “All in working order.”

I exhaled a ragged breath. “Thank Jesus.”

“Do you remember the match last night?” he asked. “You were in a bad way, son.”

“I remember the girl,” I slurred. “Why’s everything dark?”

“Because you’re supposed to be sleeping,” my father told me. “It’s six o’clock in the morning. Still dark outside.”

“So, no lights anywhere?” I asked, confused. “They’re all gone?”

I heard his quiet laugh. “No lights for another few hours, Johnny.”

“You’re sure my dick’s still there?” I kicked my feet, but they weren’t being cooperative. “I really like my dick, Da. I’ll cry if it’s gone.”

“Most lads like that part of their anatomy, Johnny.” Dad chuckled. “And I promise it’s still there.”

“Check for me,” I mumbled, feeling woozy as fuck. “Just to make sure.”

I heard my father sigh heavily and then felt the covers being lifted from my body.

“All there, boyo,” he assured me before tucking the covers around me once more.

“It’s not working anymore, Da,” I groaned, feeling a huge surge of devastation fill my body. “I broke it.”

“The doctors fixed it,” he coaxed. “It’s back in working order again.”

“I can pull my dick again?”

“Yes, Johnny.” he laughed. “In a few weeks, you can pull it to your heart’s content.”

“My head’s all hazy, Da,” I slurred. “Everything’s warm and tingly…and I feel groggy as balls.”

“That’s the medication, Johnny. It’s making you drowsy,” he told me. “Go back to sleep and you’ll feel better in a little while.”

“How is he doing?” an unfamiliar voice asked, bringing with it a small flash of light and the sound of a door clicking.

“Talking out of his arse,” my father told the voice.

“Ah, that’ll be the morphine,” the voice mused, coming closer. “Try and get him to sleep. I’ll be back in an hour to do his obs.”