Page 324 of Binding 13

Yeah, she looked bleeding resigned.

She should have been furious. Instead she just took it.

That might have been the way it worked for her at BCS, but that was not how it was going to go down at Tommen. She was no one’s fucking target, and I was going to make damn sure of that.


The sound of my name being called stirred me from my thoughts.

“What?” I snapped my eyes up and looked around at my friends, feeling at a complete loss.

“Are we going?” Hughie asked, giving me a strange look.

“Going where?” I snapped, bristling, not liking this kind of attention one bleeding bit.

I felt like I was standing here naked with my fucked-up feelings on full display, giving all seven of them a glimpse into something I didn’t understand myself.

“I should find her,” I said to myself more than anyone else. Panicking, I swung around then, doing a full 360. “I should check on her.”

“No,” Hughie said calmly. “You should go home and cool off. She obviously doesn’t want to come with us, lad. That’s why she’s gone.”

I turned my glare on him. “The fuck would you know about what she wants?”

Hughie’s brows shot up in surprise.

“Give me your house keys, Cap,” Gibsie commanded then, stepping in front of me.

Without questioning him, I pulled my keys out of my pocket and handed them to him.

“We’ll catch you up,” Gibsie told our friends as he tossed my keys to Hughie and then slung an arm over my shoulder, leading me back toward the P.E. hall.

I went with him because my schoolbag was in the hall and I had no clue of what else to do.

“Are you okay?” Gibsie asked when we walked into the empty changing room.

“No!” I roared. “I am so far from okay, I don’t know what the fucking word means anymore.”

“I know now isn’t the time to say it, but I’m going to say it anyway,” Gibsie said. “I told you so. I fucking told you back in fourth year when she started sniffing around that she was bad news.”

“I don’t need reminding,” I spat out as I stalked over to the bench and grabbed my stuff. “I know I fucked up.”

“You did,” he agreed, not bothering to lie as he grabbed his own bag. “You saw a pair of nice tits, an easy life, and you let your then-working dick do the thinking for ya.” Shrugging, he tossed his bag over his shoulder and said, “This is the result. Another clinger who won’t let the fuck go.”

“Well, my dick’s not doing the thinking anymore,” I bit out.

“Thank god. And for what it’s worth, I would have lost my shit, too,” he told me. “If some bitch talked about Claire like that, I would have blown ten head gaskets.”

“It’s my fault that happened to her,” I growled. “Bella’s on Shannon’s case because of me.”

“No,” Gibsie corrected and then shook his head. “Okay, yes, she’s on her case because of you, but that’s not your fault, lad.”

“She won’t leave me alone, Gibs.” Exhaling a ragged breath, I ran a hand through my hair and growled. “She won’t stop.”

“Could you talk to your dad about getting, I don’t know, like a restraining order or something?”

“For what, Gibs?” I shot back, flustered. “Being annoying at school?”

“And following you around the pubs,” he interjected.