Page 293 of Binding 13

I shrugged helplessly.

“Right now?”

I sniffled in response.

“Yeah, uh, okay,” Gibsie replied, tone laced with confusion. “I’ll take you home now.”


The sound of my name being called out, followed a few moments later by Johnny coming to stand beside Gibsie, only confirmed my theory about the pair traveling in a pack.

“What’s wrong?” Johnny demanded, eyeing me with concern. He turned to Gibsie. “What did you do to her?”

“Nothing, lad,” Gibsie quickly replied, holding his hands up. “I swear.”

“She’s fucking crying, Gibs,” Johnny snarled, squaring up to his friend. “You obviously did something.”

Panic roared to life inside of me, urged on by the sight of Bella standing outside the bathroom door, observing our interaction with a dark expression. I knew that look well. It came with a promise of pain.

“Shannon,” Johnny growled, turning his gaze back to me. “What happened?”

“Please don’t talk to me,” I choked out before sidestepping around him.

Johnny’s reflexes were much quicker than mine because his hand shot out, fingers wrapping around the curve of my elbow. “Shannon?”

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed, panicked, and yanked my arm free.

Johnny reeled back like I struck him. “What’s your problem?”

“Johnny, lad,” Gibsie interjected, trailing after us. “Maybe you should listen to her—”

“Gibsie, maybe you should fuck off and leave us alone,” Johnny shot back heatedly. “This is private.”

“Suit yourself, Bulldozer,” Gibsie chimed before sauntering off.

“Shannon, what’s wrong?” Johnny repeated, his entire focus on my face. “Is it because of what happened last night? Because you don’t need to—”

“No,” I strangled out, begging the Lord to take mercy on me and not have Johnny bring up last night in the middle of the school. “It’s not about last night.”

“Then what’s wrong?” he demanded. “Talk to me!”

“I just need you to leave me alone,” I choked out, moving to step around him again.

“I will—” Johnny caught ahold of my arm once more when I tried to duck around him, and pulled me back before finishing, “Once you tell me what the hell is going on.”

My gaze flickered to where Bella was glaring daggers at me. I flinched at the sight of her menacing expression and Johnny noticed. He craned his head around and his whole body visibly tensed.

“Jesus Christ,” he growled, running a hand through his hair in what looked like obvious frustration. “What did she do?”

I shook my head. “Nothing.”

“Shannon, tell me what she said to you.” He turned his hard gaze on me. “I know she said something to you.”

When I didn’t answer him, Johnny shook his head.

“Fine,” he snarled, turning his back to me. “I’ll find out for myself.”

“Wait—” Catching ahold of the back the navy hoodie he was wearing over his uniform, I dragged him back to me, “Please don’t say anything.”