Page 255 of Binding 13

“Yep,” I agreed as a small smile crept across my face.

Johnny noticed my smile and grinned back at me. “Bet you didn’t plan on spending your evening stuck here, huh?”

“I really don’t mind,” I told him, and surprisingly, I meant it.

Being here delayed going home to another night of drama. And being here with Johnny was a good kind of terrifying. I wanted to be here with him. I wanted him, period.

“So,” Johnny said again, shifting restlessly as he smoothed a hand down his thigh. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t mind,” I replied. “I’ll do whatever you want to do.”

“Fuck.” Johnny clenched his eyes shut and groaned.

“Oh god, are you okay?” I hurried to ask, well aware he was in pain.

“All good,” he assured me in a tight tone.

“Are you sure?” I asked, uncertain again.

His blue eyes were wild and full of uncertainty when he said, “I’m kind of out of my comfort zone here, Shannon.”

“Do you want me to go?”

He shook his head.

“Are you sure?”

He nodded slowly. “I want you to stay.”

“Okay,” I breathed.

Inhaling a steadying breath, I wrapped my arms around my middle and walked over to his enormous desk where mountains of schoolbooks lay unopen.

“You’re a good student?” I asked, casting a glance over my shoulder.

“I’m decent,” Johnny replied, trailing after me.

“No copy of Chicken Licken?”

Johnny laughed loudly. “No.” Coming to stand behind me, he chuckled, “Definitely no Chicken Licken.”

With my face on fire, I kept my attention on his desk, skimming my finger over the test papers and books as my gaze wandered to the corkboard above the desk.

“Whoa, you’ve met a lot of famous people,” I whispered, my gaze flicking from photo to photo of Johnny with a range of different celebrities and athletes. “Which one of these guys is your hero?”

I presumed one was.

He was a teenage boy. They all had heroes.

Johnny reached around me and pulled one of the photos off the board. The tack holding it dropped onto his desk.

“See this one?” he asked as he stood behind me with his arm stretched around my body so I could see.

Breathe, Shannon, just breathe…

Forcing myself to concentrate on his question, and not the way my body was reacting to his close proximity, I stared down at the picture in his hands.

“I see,” I whispered, gazing down at the one photograph that didn’t seem to have a celebrity in it.