Page 76 of Lottie

“I’ve already done a deep dive on Martin and he’s clean as a whistle. If it’s alright with you, I’ll bring him in on this, see if he has any idea who on his team could manage to do all this and stay under the radar.”

It was a relief to know there was someone on his payroll he could trust, at least. “Whatever you need.”

“I’ll get on it immediately, then.” Killian turned to leave, then hesitated, looking back over his shoulder with a smirk. “And don’t be too hard on her, Braden. I am rather difficult to resist, after all.”

“Go away, Killian.”

The door closed, cutting off Killian’s laughter, and Braden turned to the corner where his naughty little girl was standing exactly as he’d instructed her to, with her hands laced behind her head and her feet shoulder width apart. God, he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of that sight.

“Come here, Charlotte.” He deliberately made his voice more stern than he was actually feeling. Now that she was nowhere near Killian, the possessive jealousy gripping him had faded and he could see the amusement in the situation.

But the fact remained that whether she’d agreed with him or not, he’d given her an instruction and she had disobeyed.

Naughty little girl.

Lottie turned, a pout on her lips and a hint of anticipation in her eyes. “Yes, Daddy?”

“What are you supposed to do when Daddy tells you to do something, little one?”

“I’m supposed to do what you tell me to, but?—”

“No.” He raised a hand, cutting her off. “There are no ‘buts’ in this situation, other than yours, which is going to be nice and red by the time I’m done with you. At home, I’m willing to grant you a bit more leeway, but when we are in the club or in a scene, you either obey or you are punished. It doesn’t matter if you think I’m being absolutely ridiculous; you still obey.”

The corners of her mouth lifted. “So you admit you were being ridiculous.”

“I admit that Killian O’Rourke makes me feel a bit more… territorial than usual. Especially when it comes to you.”

“I suppose that’s fair. He’s loaded and gorgeous, but with that hint of danger, you know? Super sexy.”

“And completely off-limits to you, little girl.”

“Completely off-limits?” She tilted her head, tapping a finger on her lips as if giving the situation serious consideration. “But what if he gets seated in my section when I’m waiting tables?”


“I’m just saying! You can’t keep me hidden away from everyone you find threatening to your manhood.”

“Enough.” Twining his fingers in her hair, he forced her to her knees. And not even that wiped the smile from her face. “Open your mouth.”

Luckily for her, she obeyed immediately, parting her lips wide as he freed his cock from his slacks. “If you can’t listen without being a smartass, then I’ll just have to keep your mouth occupied.”

She started to roll her eyes, and he thrust forward, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat and making her gag. Pleasure shot through him at the feel of her throat constricting around him, and he held there for a moment before pulling back and giving her a chance to breathe.

“Eyes on me, Charlotte.”

Watery eyes met his and he smiled down at her. “Good girl. Now, as I was saying. Whether you think a request is ridiculous or not doesn’t change a damn thing. As long as what I’m asking of you doesn’t put your safety at risk or violate your hard limits, I expect you to obey. When you don’t, you’ll be punished. It’s that simple. Understood?”

Because he wanted an actual answer, he pulled free of her mouth and used his hold on her hair to force her head back even further. “Yes, Daddy,” she replied, her voice raspy from the throat-fucking she’d just endured.

“Much better, little one.” Softening a bit, he cupped her face with his other hand. “For what it’s worth, I’m aware my response to Killian is borderline irrational. I’ll try to work on it, but I’m not making any promises.”

“I suppose that’s fair. And I’ll do my best to avoid making you unnecessarily jealous.”

“Thank you. And the next time you’re in trouble, are you going to get sassy with me?”

Mischief sparkled in her pale eyes. “Probably.”

“We’ll see about that.”