Page 63 of Lottie


To her immense relief, the spanking stopped, and his hand came to rest on her bottom, rubbing and squeezing the heated flesh. Sniffling quietly, she turned her head to look up at him. “I really am sorry. For everything.”

“I know you are, Lottie-bug. But we’re not finished.”

“We’re not?”

“Nope. You’re going to stay right here while we talk about what happened at dinner last night, and then you’re going to bend over that armchair and present your bottom for Daddy’s belt.”


“That about sums it up. Let’s start with the elephant in the room. Why didn’t you tell me how much trouble you and your father were in?”

“I didn’t want to embarrass him.”

Sighing heavily, Braden gave her bottom another squeeze, this time hard enough to make her yelp at the flash of pain. “You have such a big heart, Lottie-bug. But from now on, you will come to me when you’re in trouble or when you need something. Even if it involves your father.”


“No. There are zero exceptions to this rule. And if I find out you’ve broken it, you will find yourself right back here, over Daddy’s knee getting your bottom soundly spanked.”

“That’s not fair! It wasn’t my secret to share. And frankly, it was none of your business.”

“You made it my business the second you involved my club. Anything that happens there is my business, full stop. But more importantly, you are my business. Protecting you, providing for you is my business and has been since the moment you agree to be my little girl. Understood?”

“Ugh, have you always been this bossy?”

“When it matters, yes. And you matter, Charlotte.”

Dammit. How did he always know exactly the right thing to say to break down her defenses? “Fine. I will come to you if it doesn’t involve someone else’s personal business.”

A flurry of spanks landed, reigniting the pain in her bottom and making her squeal and squirm over his lap.

“Do you really think you’re in a position to negotiate with me right now, little girl?”

“No, Daddy, but?—”

“Stop. I’m not asking you to share other peoples’ business with me unless it involves you. Keep all the secrets you want, but if you put yourself in danger or break any of our other rules because you were trying to keep someone else’s secret, I promise you it will end badly for you every single time.”

She supposed she couldn’t really argue with that logic. “Fine.”

“Good girl. Now, let’s talk about why you ran away from me last night, instead of talking to me and your father like a big girl.”

Something about the phrase ‘big girl’ instead of ‘adult’ made her feel very much like a naughty child, which she assumed was his intent. “Do we have to?”


Groaning, she did her best to bury her face in the couch cushion. “Don’t wanna.”

Fingers tangled in her hair, gently forcing her face to turn to the side again. “Then maybe you need another spanking to loosen your tongue.”

“Daddy, no,” she whined, wiggling against his hold even though she knew she wasn’t going anywhere.

“Then talk. Why did you leave, baby? And why did you turn off your phone? I was so worried about you.”

Fuck. He had to play that card. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. Actually, no, that’s a lie.” Closing her eyes, she breathed deep and forced herself to be honest for once. “I think on some level, I wanted you to worry because I wanted to know you still cared about me after I ruined your friendship with my dad. I know that’s awful and petty and I deserve whatever punishment you think I’ve earned, but there it is. I dropped a nuke on the only real friendship my dad has left and I was terrified you’d both hate me for it.”

“Baby. Come here.”