Page 33 of Lottie

It would be so easy to flip her over and slide right into that hot, soaking wet pussy. And damn him if he wasn’t tempted.

But his ears were still ringing with the sound of her calling his name as she’d come. Not Daddy, or even Braden. Mr. Elliott. Because she wasn’t just some submissive he’d planned a scene for. She was as off-limits as they came, and he would do well to remember it.

Still, she deserved the attention he would give any submissive after a scene, and so he helped her back up onto his lap. “Come here, little one.”

With a happy hum, she snuggled into his chest. “I should probably offer to suck your dick or something but I’m feeling too good to move just yet. Give me a few minutes and I might be up to it.”

“Have you ever sucked a cock?”

“No. A couple of guys in high school tried to sweet talk me into it but I very firmly declined.” Grinning more widely now, she tilted her head back. “I’d do it for you, though. If you taught me how.”

Temptation incarnate. That’s what she was. “Perhaps another time. For now”—he made a show of lifting his wrist to check his watch before pinning her with a stern glare—“you’re more than an hour late for your shift. I’ll call Delia and have her meet you up here. And I should warn you, she has strict orders to report any misbehavior directly to me. So unless you’d like to be sent home with an even sorer bottom than you have now, I suggest you do as she tells you.”

Annoyance flashed across her features, wiping away her smile. It surprised him how sad he was to see it go. “I’m not a total fuck-up, you know.”

“I never said you were. But you seem to enjoy pushing buttons, and I want there to be no misunderstandings between us.” Gripping her chin, he matched her defiant glare. “Any disobedience, back talk, or general bad behavior will end up with either my hand or any number of implements turning that naughty bottom of yours bright red. Am I perfectly understood, Charlotte?”

“Yeah. Yes, Sir,” she corrected herself with an eye roll when he raised a brow.

“Good girl. There’s a bathroom just off the office for you to freshen up while I call for Delia. Go.”

Huffing loudly, she shoved up from his lap and stalked toward the bathroom. When the door shut behind her, Braden forced himself to stand and walk to his desk to make the call.

Charlotte took her time in the bathroom, which suited him just fine. It meant he didn’t have to deal with the temptation of her pouty mouth while he waited for Delia to knock on his door.

The knock came just as Charlotte was stepping out of the bathroom. He opened the door and Delia bounced in, all bright smiles and blonde curls as usual. “Hi! You must be Charlotte! I’m Delia. I hope you don’t mind me saying so but holy fuck you are gorgeous. Let me see you smile.”

Charlotte sent him a smug look before flashing a bright smile for Delia, who squealed happily in response. “Oh, our customers are going to love you. Come on, I can’t wait for you to meet the rest of the staff!”

“Thank you, Delia. Would you make sure she eats something and drinks a bottle of water before her shift?”

The request clearly went over Charlotte’s head, but Delia paused in the doorway to raise an eyebrow. “Of course. Anything else I should know?”

“Let me know if she gives you any trouble. Otherwise, that should be all.”

The glare Charlotte sent his way would have been lethal for a lesser man. As it was, he was half tempted to check and see if she’d drawn blood. “You do realize I’m still standing right here and I haven’t been suddenly struck deaf, right?”

Laughing maniacally, Delia looped her arm through Charlotte’s. “We are going to be the best of friends, Char. Can I call you Char?”

“My friends call me Lottie.”

“That’s adorable. Come on, Lottie. We’ll get you fed and hydrated, and I’ll tell you all the good club gossip.”

Silently wondering if he’d just signed his own death warrant, Braden watched the door close behind them, cutting off Lottie’s laughter at something Delia had said. Feeling as if he’d just run a fucking marathon, he made his way back to the couch, dropping down onto the cushions with a sigh. A flash of white caught his attention and he reached over to pick up the thong he’d peeled from Charlotte’s body before finger-fucking her to a screaming orgasm over his lap.

No longer able to deny himself, he freed his cock from his pants and wrapped the soft material around his throbbing length. Dropping his head back against the couch, he closed his eyes and let the scene from earlier play out in his mind until his cum filed the gusset of her pretty silk panties. Only this time, when Charlotte came, it wasn’t ‘Mr. Elliott’ she screamed.

In his fantasies, she cried out for her Daddy as she creamed all over his hand.




Everything hurt. Her feet, her arms, her head. The only thing, ironically enough, that didn’t ache by the time she stumbled into her house at almost two a.m. was her butt. Which just made her even poutier as she forced herself to shower and dry her hair before finally falling into bed.

Rolling onto her back, she picked up her phone from where she’d tossed it onto her nightstand and typed out a text to Frankie.