Page 14 of Lottie

“I know the feeling.”

At Braden’s pointed remark, Shane threw his head back and laughed. “Touché, Daddy B. Touché.”

Satisfied that his mini dressing-down would keep Shane in line for at least a couple of days, Braden headed back up to his office. He’d gone and done his duty by the club, now it was his chance to indulge his curiosity.

Seated at his desk once more, he opened the window with the virgin auction and nearly choked on air when he saw the bids. Not a single one of the women up for sale had a bid lower than a quarter of a million.

Ladybug, however, was beating them all at nearly four hundred grand. Knowing that others wanted her as badly as he did… Braden’s finger hovered over the button of his mouse as a primal urge welled up inside of him.

He had the money. That wasn’t the problem. Thanks to the club and several lucrative investments over the years, he could afford to bid on every single girl and still have enough money to pay his ex-wife’s alimony and their daughter’s tuition to the ridiculously expensive, and also ridiculously elite college she was currently attending.

And if he didn’t buy Ladybug, someone would. Maybe he couldn’t save them all, but he could save one. Save her, and then live out his fantasy of punishing her naughty little bottom until he was certain she’d never, ever do something so incredibly reckless again. He wouldn’t even take her virginity in exchange.

Not unless she begged like a good girl, first.

In the end, though, his principles won out. He had no right to punish a complete stranger for risks she took with her own life. So even though it killed him a little inside, he pulled his hand away from the mouse.

And spent the rest of the evening watching as Ladybug’s price climbed higher and higher.




Four hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars.

Holy fuck.

Somebody wanted to have sex with her so badly, despite not even seeing her face, that they were willing to pay almost half a million dollars for the honor.

Granted, she was only getting just a smidge over three hundred grand, thanks to the twenty-five percent fee Mr. Elliott was taking for himself.

Well, that was assuming he was doing it all on his own. She couldn’t remember him ever mentioning anything about computers, but she didn’t really know him well enough to know if he was smart enough to put something like this together on his own. But even if he was splitting the profits evenly with a partner, he was still getting a hefty payout.

It seemed a little unfair, since he wasn’t the one letting some slimy asshole with more money than sense put his dick inside him.

Ugh. If she kept thinking about it like that, she was going to end up talking herself out of it. And even if she could find another way to make some money, she couldn’t really afford the ten-thousand-dollar penalty for backing out at the last minute.

Which was depressing in and of itself. There’d been a time she wouldn’t have thought twice about spending ten grand on a single shopping trip. Now, it seemed like an irresponsible amount of money to spend on anything.

She wasn’t even sure the three hundred thousand would be enough to pay off her father’s debt, but surely it would be enough to stop them from hemorrhaging until she could get a game plan together. And Mr. Legare may still come through with a job, so things weren’t entirely hopeless.

Now all she had to do was meet up with a complete stranger and let him take her virginity.

No problem.

Big problem.

Grabbing her phone, she hit the button to call Frankie. “I can’t do this,” she blurted out when her friend answered.

“Do you need me to come over?”

Gratitude and love swelled in Lottie’s chest. “Yes. Maybe. No.” Dragging in a deep breath, Lottie closed her eyes and held it. Frankie would be there, no matter how things went, and she could do anything with her best friend by her side. “I’m just being a big baby.”

“It’s okay to be nervous your first time.” Frankie paused, her amusement clear through the phone. “So… how much did you get?”

“Just over three hundred thousand, after the auction takes their cut.”