Page 82 of Lottie

As if from a distance, she was vaguely aware of her Daddy’s own roar of release, of his cock swelling and twitching inside her. Of more words of praise showering down on her as he caressed her sweat-soaked skin.

And then he was in front of her, crouching down so they were eye-level, his lips curved up in that approving smile she’d come to crave more than the air she breathed. “Did I do a good job, Daddy?”

“Oh, baby. You were fucking fantastic. Daddy’s so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“Let’s get you down from that bench and get some food in your tummy, little one.”

“Mmm. Okay, Daddy.”

* * *


With Charlotte on his lap, wrapped up in the blanket he’d brought from his office, he scooped some brie onto a cracker and lifted it to her lips. “Open, baby.”

Still looking somewhat shell-shocked from their scene, she obediently parted her lips so he could pop the cracker into her mouth. “Oh, man. That’s delicious.”

“Is it?” He repeated the process for himself, nearly moaning as the flavors exploded on his tongue. “Goddamn, that is delicious.”

After feeding her a few more crackers in silence, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “How are you feeling, Lottie-bug?”

“Sore. But a really, really good kind of sore,” she added with a lopsided grin.

“What about here?” He tapped her chest. “You’ve had a rough couple of weeks, and there’s been some big changes the past few days. Are you feeling okay about everything?”

“Yes.” At her too-quick answer, he raised an eyebrow, which only earned him a roll of her eyes in response. “I really am. All my life I’ve done things because it was what everyone else expected of me. Being with you is the first thing I think I’ve ever really done for myself, and I feel happier about agreeing to marry you than I’ve ever felt about anything else in my life. You can stop worrying about me.”

“Sorry, little one. It’s in my job description to worry about you.”

“Fair enough,” she replied with a giggle. “But try to stop worrying that I’m going to suddenly change my mind and leave you. Okay?”

He hadn’t even realized he’d been worrying about that until she’d put it into words. “Who’s the mind reader now?”

“Oooh, maybe it’s rubbing off on me.” Beneath the blanket, she rubbed her hands together, her eyes shining with glee. “That could come in handy.”

“I’m sure it will. Just as my ability to read your mind will come in handy when you’re plotting something naughty. So just remember that.”


“I know. I’m such a grumpy old man.”

“Nah, that honor is reserved for your brothers.”

“That’s true.” Leaning in, he captured her lips with his own, inwardly crowing when she instantly melted into him. There was, in his opinion, nothing more satisfying than the submission of a strong woman. His Lottie-bug had proven she could face even the most impossible situations with her head held high.

She didn’t need him to save her. She was more than capable of rescuing herself when push came to shove. Which made her surrender all the sweeter, in the end.

The only dark spot on their happily ever after was the auction. They were no closer to finding the person running things than they had been when Lottie had put herself up for auction.

But they’d find him. Or her. It was impossible to hide that kind of activity—or the kind of money it brought in—forever. One way or another, he and his brothers would find the person responsible for taking advantage of women like Emily and Lottie and however many dozens of other vulnerable, innocent young girls.

And when they found whoever was behind the auction, the Elliott brothers would damn well make sure they paid for what they’d done.

The End