Page 79 of Lottie

“Me?” Bastian’s face lit up with surprise and joy. It was kind of adorable, actually, watching someone as tough-looking as him get all giddy over being asked to be in a wedding. “I’d love to.”

“To quote our favorite candy-corn-obsessed submissive, ‘Dis sum bullshit’,” Desmond said, and if Lottie wasn’t entirely wrong, it almost looked like he was pouting.

“Yeah, well, maybe if you two weren’t constantly fighting I’d let you both be my best men. But you’ll have to be happy with groomsmen roles. And if you keep it up, I’ll bump you down to ushers and make you babysit Aunt Dolly.”

Her ‘uncles’ visibly cringed. “Who’s Aunt Dolly?” Lottie asked.

“Our mother’s aunt.” Braden smirked. “She’s about a hundred years old, and an absolute terror. You’ll love her.”

“I can’t wait.”

Damian rolled his eyes. “Well, since I’m not needed here, I’m going to take Emily down to the pit. See you all in a bit, if you’re sticking around.”

“Actually, if you all don’t mind, Lottie and I have an appointment downstairs and I’d like for you all to join us. At least for the first part.”

Curious, Lottie tilted her head, studying him. She knew she still had a punishment coming for defying him back in his office, but she wasn’t sure why he’d be inviting their wedding party to come watch. “What are you up to?”

“You’ll see in a minute. Come.”

* * *


Nerves danced up and down his spine as he led Lottie down to the pit. Logically, he knew it was ridiculous. She’d already agreed to marry him. There was no reason for her to turn down the collar he had tucked in his pocket. But his heart was still pounding in his chest, even more so than it had been when he’d popped the question back at the cabin.

Beside him, Lottie was all but radiating nervous energy, albeit for an entirely different reason. As far as she knew, she was going to get her bottom spanked and maybe get fucked in public for the first time, which she’d been adorably excited about the night before when they’d discussed having a scene to celebrate their engagement with the club members.

The collar was a surprise, and one he hoped she’d enjoy. Sliding his hand into his pocket, he ran his fingers over the supple pink leather, which helped to calm his nerves somewhat.

Down in the pit, he helped her up onto the platform where she’d gotten her very first flogging from him. His play bag was already there, and Lottie bounced excitedly on her toes. “Where do you want me?”

“On your knees.” The command came out harsher than he’d intended, and judging by the way she cocked her eyebrow at him, Lottie hadn’t missed the change in tone.

But she sank gracefully to her knees without argument, for which he was grateful. Any other time, he’d happily force her, then punish her defiance, but tonight he wanted to savor her submission.

“Good girl. Eyes up, Charlotte. Daddy has something for you.”

She raised her head to look up at him, love shining in her eyes. And with that simple look, all his nerves disappeared.

Lottie was his. The collar was just a symbol of what they already had, a way of showing the world his claim on the stunning woman at his feet.

“I love you, Lottie-bug.”

“I love you, too.” Lifting her hand to cup her mouth, she asked in a loud whisper, “But why are you acting so weird?”

A ripple of laughter went through the crowd, and he couldn’t help but join in. Reaching back into his pocket, he pulled out the collar and held it up for her, and their audience, to see.

“Is that for me?” she asked, her eyes widening with surprise and wonder.

“Yes. A symbol of my love and my protection. Do you accept it?”

“Duh. Put it on me already!”

Another wave of laughter, even louder this time, ran through the crowd, though he saw some of the stricter Doms in the group giving her a hard stare. No doubt they were worrying about what kind of influence she was going to be on the other submissives in the club.

He was wondering the same himself. And he couldn’t wait to find out.

Lowering himself onto one knee, just as he had when he’d proposed, he slid the collar around her throat and buckled it. “I own you, Charlotte Duvall,” he said more quietly, for her ears only.