Page 71 of Lottie

“Feels like I’m in trouble.”

“You’re going to be if you don’t tell Daddy what’s going on. No more secrets, remember?”

“It’s not really a secret, per se. I’m pretty sure I’m creating problems where there aren’t any.”

“What kind of problems?”

“Ugggh.” Groaning, she pushed up in bed, wrapping her arms around her knees and pulling them to her chest. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

“It’s adorable that you even thought that was an option.”

“Fine. I’m being a whiny little brat because I’m worried my friends won’t like me anymore. Happy?”

“Thank you for telling me.” Gentle hands tugged her back down to the bed and pulled her back into his chest. “Why do you think they won’t want to be your friends anymore?”

“Our whole friendship revolves around shopping and expensive vacations.”

“Do you think I won’t let you do those things anymore?”

“That never even occurred to me, honestly.” Though she supposed it should have. It seemed a very ‘Daddy’ thing to do, giving her a budget, controlling her spending.

“Then what’s the problem? I don’t mind you going on the occasional trip, though you will definitely have a shopping budget,” he added with a chuckle, echoing her own thoughts so closely it was almost eerie.

Odd how that thought would have sent her reeling even just a few weeks ago, and now it almost felt comforting to know she wouldn’t have to be in charge of all that. She could trust her Daddy to tell her how much she was allowed to spend. There was freedom in that, she realized, in letting someone else bear those mental burdens. A freedom she’d always taken for granted, and that she now promised herself she never would again.

“It just doesn’t appeal to me the way it did before. Like, I never really thought about how much I was spending, because the money was just there. But now, after knowing how close we are to losing everything, the thought of spending that kind of money again makes me a little sick to my stomach.”

“Ah. That makes sense.” His hand stroked down her back, comforting and arousing all at the same time. “But do you really think Frankie, for instance, would love you any less just because you chose not to go on a trip or to spend less money?”

“Well, no. But Frankie’s different.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Lottie wrinkled her nose. “That’s not fair. She is different, mostly because she’s so much fucking smarter than all of us put together. Eva and Portia… I don’t know, honestly. I want to think they’d stick around, but I’ve seen money troubles break up plenty of friendships in our circles.”

“Why don’t you get together with them when we get back to Charleston and talk things out? Brunch is on me.”

“No. You already spent nearly half a million dollars on me, no way in hell are you giving me more money.”

“Is that what you think?”

Before she could even formulate a reply, she was on her back, her arms pinned over her head as his free hand moved up her body to cup her breast. She arched up with a cry when his fingers closed tightly around her nipple.

“Ow, ow, ow! Daddy, let go!”

“Are you listening to me, little girl?”

“Yes! Ow, fuck that hurts.”

His fingers tightened even further, bringing tears to her eyes as she writhed beneath him. “If I want to spend my money on my little girl, I absolutely will. Do you understand me, Charlotte?”

“But—Goddammit, Braden, that hurts!”

“There’s no negotiation here, little one. Like I told you from the beginning, I take very good care of my things and you are my most prized possession. And if taking care of you right now means paying for brunch so you can have an important conversation with your friends, then that’s what I’m going to do. Now, be a good girl and say ‘Yes, Daddy’.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she parroted, adding in a deliberately dramatic sniffle as he released her breast.

“Good girl.” Lowering his head, he pulled the nipple he’d just finished torturing into his mouth, soothing the ache with his tongue. Once she was squirming and whimpering beneath him for a completely different reason, he moved to the opposite breast, teasing and tormenting her until she was begging him to take her again.

Which he did, and he kept his promise about making sure she got to come all over Daddy’s cock. Over and over again, until her voice was hoarse from screaming and her body ached from being so beautifully, thoroughly used.

* * *