Page 66 of Lottie

“It wasn’t fair for you to have to take on the burden of worrying about him because he couldn’t or wouldn’t care for himself.” He hesitated, looking uncharacteristically unsure of himself. “I think therapy would probably be a good idea for both of you. I won’t push it on you, but I will pay for it if you decide it’s something you want to do.”

“I’ll think about it.” She already had a therapist, like any good little rich girl, and she’d been thinking about making an appointment with her for a while. But she always found a reason to keep putting it off.

“That’s my girl. And if we have to, we’ll gang up on Emmett and bully him into going, as well.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

Still cupping her cheek, he leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead. Love for him swelled in her chest, and for a moment she couldn’t even draw a breath.

“That’s what Daddies do, little one. You’ve had a long couple of days. Why don’t you take a nap and we can talk more when you wake up.”

“Oh, but… you said we could… you know.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making him laugh.

“And that’s why you need a nap. You’re going to need plenty of energy for what I have planned for you later, little one.”

“Well how the hell am I supposed to go to sleep after you said that?”

“I have faith in you. Because you’re a good girl who wants to make Daddy proud, isn’t that right?”

Goddammit. There was that phrase again. “Yes, Daddy,” she said with a sigh.

He kissed her again, then rolled out of bed and tucked her in. And despite her protests, she was asleep before he left the bedroom.

* * *


Closing the door behind him, Braden pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call. “Frankie? It’s Braden Elliott. Are you still in town?” He paused, listening to her response, and grinned. “Excellent. I need you to pick me up a few things.”




She woke groggy and disoriented, blinking owlishly at her surroundings as she tried to remember where she was. Then she rolled onto her back, her sore bottom pressing into the mattress, and it all came flooding back.

Dinner. Her dad finding out about her and Braden. Spilling her guts about why she’d really put herself up for auction. Fleeing into the mountains with Frankie and?—

Bolting upright in bed, Lottie narrowed her eyes as the realization hit. “That little traitor!”

The bedroom door opened, and Braden stepped inside, his lips tilting up in an amused smile. “Who’s a traitor?”

“Frankie! I just realized she must have called you and told you where I was. That bitch.”

“You owe Frankie a thank you, little girl.”

“How do you figure?”

“Because.” Crossing the room to the bed with slow, deliberate steps, he placed his hands on either side of her, caging her in, his dark eyes glittering in the waning sunlight. “If I had to find you myself, or worse, wait for you to come home, you wouldn’t have gotten off nearly as easily as you did today.”

“Um, my ass still hurts. I don’t call that getting off easy.”

“Well, you did. I can prove it when we get home, if you like.”

There was just enough of a hint of danger beneath his words to have her rethinking her position. “No, thanks. I believe you.”

“Good girl. Since you’re up, I’m going to run you a bath. You can soak as long as you like; dinner won’t be ready for a bit yet.”