Page 49 of Lottie

“What?” Though she’d meant for the question to sound as outraged as she felt, it came out as a shocked squeak that only added to the embarrassment of the situation. “No! I’m not doing that.”

“Then Daddy will do it for you.”

Air clogged in Lottie’s lungs, and she could hardly breathe as he crowded her, trapping her between him and the corner. “This is what happens when my little girl decides to act out in front of company. You had no problem showing your ass a moment ago, so you can stand here with your bottom bare while you think about how I expect you to behave. Now, you can either bare yourself, or Daddy can do it for you. Which would you prefer?”


“That isn’t an option, Charlotte.”

Before she could answer, he had her pinned against the wall, and he was working her panties down to her knees.

“Daddy, no!” Humiliation flooded her, making her stomach churn as tears filled her eyes. “I’ll be good, I promise!”

“You can start by taking your punishment like a good girl,” he said as he hiked her dress up to her hips. “Stand up straight and put your hands on your head.”

Sniffling back tears in a desperate attempt to salvage at least something of her dignity, Lottie positioned herself as instructed.

“That’s my good girl.” Braden pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “It’s only five minutes, baby. You can handle it. But if it gets to be too much, just use your safeword and I’ll come get you.”

Her safeword. Right. In the thrill of pushing his and his brother’s buttons, she’d all but forgotten she could stop all of this if she really wanted to.

But she had been kinda rude. And she’d definitely been a brat. So, even though she sorta thought she might die of embarrassment standing there in the corner, she didn’t actually want to use her safeword.

“I’ll be okay, Daddy.”

“Good. Five minutes, and then Daddy has a surprise for you.”

It was silly and childish, but the promise of a surprise perked her up considerably. “Yes, Daddy.”

* * *


Pulling his phone from his pocket, Braden set a timer for five minutes. And though he wanted nothing more than to pull Charlotte into his arms and tell her it was all forgiven, he forced himself to turn away and walk back to his desk.

“All right, where were we?”

“Uh, we were at the part where you tell me why a girl half your age is calling you Daddy and standing in your office half-naked?” Damian’s brows lifted so high they practically disappeared into his hairline. “What the hell is going on, Braden?”

“You remember the auction.”

Laying his hand over Emily’s, Damian nodded, his expression turning grim. Emily was how they’d learned about the auction in the first place, after Damian had unknowingly bought her virginity in a previous auction. “How could I forget?”

“Charlotte was in the last one. Killian O’Rourke bought her.”

“Killian?” Damian frowned. “That seems… out of character.”

Braden jerked a shoulder. “Yeah, well, like a lot of people he got duped into thinking it was all above board. But when he showed up here with my next-door neighbor’s daughter…”

“Wait. That’s Emmett Duvall’s little girl?” Letting out a low whistle, Damian shook his head. “Dangerous ground, baby brother.”

“You would know, wouldn’t you?”

Considering Emily was not only best friends with Damian’s daughter, but her father had once upon a time been Damian’s best friend, Damian really didn’t have any room to talk. Which he obviously knew, judging by the way his scowl deepened. “That’s why I’m telling you it’s a bad fucking idea, Braden.”

“So marrying me is a bad idea?”

Emily’s soft question pulled their attention straight to her. Sitting stiffly, she glared at both of them with the fiercest expression Braden could ever remember seeing on her face.