Page 42 of Lottie

“But… aren’t you going to…” Unable to force the words out, she gestured helplessly at her pussy, which was still aching from that scene downstairs.

Taking his seat behind his desk, Mr. Elliott raised an eyebrow. “I don’t generally reward naughty girls with orgasms. But since you’re rather new to all this, I can allow for some leniency. If you’d like to relieve yourself, you may.”

“I’d much rather have you do the relieving, Daddy.”

The corner of his mouth lifted in a smug smile. “I’m sure you would. But no.”


“Your options are your own fingers or no orgasm at all, Charlotte. Take it or leave it.”

“Fine. I’ll probably have more fun by myself, anyway.” She already knew that was a damn lie, but she wasn’t about to give him the benefit of knowing how much more she’d enjoy the orgasm he’d given her the other day.

“Then by all means, enjoy.” That smug smile still in place, Mr. Elliott leaned back in his chair, his gaze locked on her.

“Like… now?”


“Can I at least go to the bathroom or something?”


Damn him and his one-syllable answers. “Never mind. I’ll just wait until I get home.”

“Ah, thank you for reminding me we haven’t gone over your rules yet.” Looking far more chipper than the situation called for as far as she was concerned, he raised a hand and began counting off fingers. “One, your orgasms belong to me. If we are not together and you want to make yourself come, you will ask permission. When we are together, you’ll learn to wait until Daddy gives you permission to come. Two,” he continued, rolling over her outrage, “Lying is not tolerated. Period. Three, what Daddy says, goes. That means if I tell you to do something, you do it without arguing. Four, your health and safety are my utmost concern. If I find you risking either, you will be punished. Any questions?”

“So, what? I’m just expected to be your obedient little sex doll?”

“I’m sure it seems that way, especially to someone so new to the lifestyle.” His expression softened, just a fraction. “I’m a demanding man, Charlotte. I will expect to have access to you at all times, unless you are working. If you don’t think that’s something you can handle, I’ll understand if you don’t want to continue our relationship after tonight.”

“I didn’t say that. But, not to sound crude, what’s in it for me?”

Pushing out of his chair, he slowly prowled the office, closing the distance between them without breaking eye contact for even a second. “In exchange for your complete and total submission, you get… a Daddy.”

“Okay, but what does that mean?”

“It means, little one”—he placed his hands on either side of her, caging her in against the back of the couch—“you get someone who will take care of you. I take pride in caring for and protecting my possessions, Charlotte. And you would be my most cherished possession. You will never want for anything. Your happiness and your needs will be the most important things in my life.”

“It sorta sounds like your needs come first.”

“No. My wants, my desires… yes. But all of that comes secondary to making sure you are properly cared for. Protected, at all costs. That, little one, is what’s in it for you.”

If she hadn’t been desperately horny before, that little speech certainly would have done the job. “Oh.”

“Say yes, Charlotte. Say yes, and let me give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of, and all the things you haven’t even realized are possible.”

“I’m not a doormat,” she managed to say, though her voice trembled a bit on the words. “I won’t let you walk all over me.”

“And I would never expect you to. Submission doesn’t make you weak, little one.”

“I know that.” Frankie was the strongest, smartest woman she knew, and she loved being a submissive. And there was that part of her, the part of her desperate to know, that was all but screaming at her to say yes. “All right. I’ll give it a try.”

“Good girl. Now, spread those pretty legs for Daddy and show me how you touch yourself when you think of me.”

* * *