Page 41 of Lottie

But when he turned back around holding not just the promised blanket but a bar of chocolate and a bottle of water, everything inside her simply melted. She couldn’t remember the last time anybody had taken care of her. So she didn’t argue when he tucked the blanket around her and handed her the chocolate and water with orders to not move until she’d finished both.

And she especially didn’t argue when he plucked her up off the couch and settled her on his lap like he had after her last spanking. Seriously, if this was her reward for enduring a punishment, she could totally live with getting herself in a little bit of trouble from time to time.

Silence filled his office, broken only by the occasional rustling of the candy wrapper or the sound of her sipping from her water bottle. Under other circumstances, she would have found the silence awkward, even stifling. But wrapped up in a cozy blanket on her Daddy’s lap, it just felt… nice. Comforting in a way she couldn’t remember experiencing since her mom’s death, when he’d been around all the time, taking care of her and her dad in the weeks that had followed.

Tears clogged in her throat, and she did her best to sniffle them away discreetly, but given how quiet it was in the room, he must have heard her.

“What’s wrong, Lottie-bug?”

“Nothing,” she lied, forcing herself to drink more water in the hopes of washing away the tears.

“Nothing, huh? Then why are you crying, little one?”

If she told him the truth, she had no doubt she would be blubbering all over him in thirty seconds flat. And since she’d rather die than let that happen, she drained her water and shoved the candy wrapper into the bottle before wriggling out of the blanket so she could straddle him. “The only thing that’s wrong is the fact that I sold my virginity over a week ago and yet here I am, with my cherry still unpopped.”

“Ah. I see.” Strong, firm hands drifted up her thighs to cup her ass, and the welts from the flogger came roaring back to life at his touch. “And you want me to relieve you of this burden?”

“Yes, please.”

“I’d love nothing more than to be your first, Charlotte. But I need something from you, before that happens.”

“What’s that?”

“The truth. About why you put yourself up for auction in the first place. Once you tell me that, I will happily fuck your sweet little pussy as often as you like.”




Dammit. He had to latch onto the one thing she couldn’t tell him. “I already told you why. I needed the money.”

“But you haven’t told me what you needed the money for. That’s all I want from you, Charlotte. The truth.”

“And I already told you it’s none of your business.”

Annoyance pricked at her when he simply shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “That’s your choice, then.”

Putting on her best pout, she deliberately ground her pussy against the front of his pants. “But Daddy, don’t you want me?”

“That’s a dangerous game to play with me, little one.” His hand came up to fist in her hair, pulling her head back as he nipped at her exposed neck. “I want you so much I’m risking everything to have you. Your mistake is thinking I can’t enjoy your body without putting my cock in your sweet little pussy.”

“Won’t you get tired of my mouth?”

“Never,” he said with a wicked chuckle. “And you have more than two holes.”

As if to demonstrate, the hand not tangled in her hair drifted toward the cleft of her bottom, and she instinctively clenched. Which reminded her, very uncomfortably, of the plug still lodged firmly in her ass.

“And if you think I won’t thoroughly claim every single inch of you even if I can’t actually fuck you, then you would be very mistaken, little one. Now, do you have something to tell me?”

God, it was tempting. Not just because she did desperately want him to fuck her, but because she was getting tired of carrying the weight of her father’s failures on her own shoulders. It would, she was certain, feel so fucking good to let him carry some of it for her, even if just for a little while.

But that wasn’t fair to her father, or to her Daddy. So she kept her mouth shut, even though it killed her a little inside to do it.

“Guess you’ll have to be satisfied with my mouth and my ass, then.”

Disappointment flashed in his eyes, making her feel about two inches tall. “Have it your way then, little one.” Releasing his hold on her hair, he moved her off him onto the couch. “Daddy needs to get some work done. You’ll stay here until I’m ready to take you home. If you get hungry, I can order some food to be sent up to the office.”