Page 40 of Lottie

Her grin lit her face, an expression of pure joy, and in that instant, he knew he was damned. Because no matter how wrong it was, no matter what it might cost him in the end, he was never letting Charlotte Duvall go.

* * *


Pride swelled in her chest at her Daddy’s words. No matter what else happened between them, she’d always have this moment to hold close to her heart.

Daddy’s very proud of you.

His words still rang in her ears as he helped her to her feet. “Where are your clothes, little one?”

“My clothes?” The question got tangled in the haze fogging her brain, and for a moment she could only stare at him. “Oh! My dress. Umm.”

She’d stripped down on the podium when Master Killian had first led her up there, but after that… Glancing around, she struggled to think through what had happened in those first few minutes before Mr. Elliott had taken over.

A flash of glittering white caught her eye and she pointed. “Over there.”

Mr. Elliott crossed the podium and scooped up her dress and heels, but he didn’t stop to hand it to her. Instead, he gathered all of his things and dropped them back into his play bag before looping an arm around her waist. “Can you walk, or do you need me to carry you?”

Oh. Oh, that made her swoon a bit. Probably all the feminism leaving her body in a rush at the thought of a big, strong man carrying her off into the sunset. “I think I can walk.”

“That doesn’t sound very convincing, little one.”

The sound of his play bag hitting the floor met her ears a moment before he scooped her up into his arms. Pain flashed through her as his shirt rubbed against the welts his flogger had left behind, and she wiggled in his hold.

“Stop moving.” A disapproving glare accompanied the order, and damn if her pussy didn’t spasm at the sight of it.

Forcing herself to stop wiggling, she huffed. “I can’t help it. Your shirt is hurting me.”

To her surprise, he didn’t scold her again, but instead brushed a kiss over her cheek. “I’m sorry, Lottie-bug, but I don’t want to drop you. It’s just a bit longer, and then I’ve got a nice soft blanket for you in my office.”

Considering they were approaching the solid metal steps that led up to his office, she didn’t really want to be dropped, either. “Oh. Um, okay. Thanks.”

The look he sent her was more amused than disapproving this time. “You don’t have to thank me for taking care of you, little one. It’s my job as your Daddy to make sure you’re taken care of on all fronts. Which means not dropping you on your pretty head.”

Now that was something she could get used to. Being coddled and pampered was definitely more her style than being flogged and face-fucked in front of a crowd. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed the latter, and if it got her more of the former, she was all for it.

By the time they reached the top of the stairs, Mr. Elliott was breathing a lot more heavily and beads of sweat had popped out on his brow. Reaching up, she brushed some hair away from his face, then paused and narrowed her eyes as she lifted the dark locks up from the roots.

“Do you dye your hair?”

“What? Of course not.”

“Yes, you do! I see gray!”

“Keep your voice down, would you?” Shooting her another glare, he wrestled the door open and shoved inside. He lowered her carefully to the couch before returning to shut the door and crossing his arms over his chest, his expression turning almost sulky. “Fine. Yes, I dye my hair. But if you tell anyone, I will paddle your ass so hard you won’t even think about sitting for a week. Got it?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she agreed with a giggle. “Any other secrets I should know about?”

“Sometimes when I’m working on the computer for too long, I need glasses. And I have high cholesterol.”

“I bet you look hot with glasses. Like a sexy professor.”

One corner of his mouth curved up in a smirk. “We could roleplay some time. Your ass would look gorgeous with a dozen or so pretty cane lines on it.”

A cane? That sounded terrifying. But in a way that made her all hot and tingly again. “Sure.”

“For now…” Trailing off, he uncrossed his arms and moved to the other side of the room where he opened a cabinet. Lottie sat up straighter, craning her neck to try and see what he was doing, but his body blocked most of the cabinet.