Page 26 of Lottie

Now she was staring up into furious blue eyes, seriously rethinking all of the life choices which had led her to this moment and simultaneously doing her best not to let him see how worried she was about the fate of her ass. “You really think you didn’t deserve?—”

“Quiet.” He didn’t snap at her, like he had when he’d told her to settle down after he’d shoved the soap in her mouth. This order was delivered in a deadly quiet tone, and her stomach clenched at the sound of it.

She was in so much fucking trouble.

“Good girl,” he said in that same low, softly lethal tone when she didn’t respond. “You will not speak again until I ask you a direct question, or otherwise give you permission to speak. If you say one word out of turn, I will put you on your knees and show you how I really punish mouthy, disobedient little subbies. Say ‘Yes, Sir’ if you understand.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, her words constricted by the fear tightening her throat.

“Good girl. Now, I am going to take you into my office, and you are going to bend over the edge of my desk so I can turn that naughty little bottom of yours cosmopolitan pink before I take my ruler to your ass and teach you a lesson about what happens to bratty little girls who knee people in the balls during a well-earned punishment.”

It wasn’t funny. Logically, rationally, she knew it wasn’t the least bit funny, especially with that icy fury still burning in his eyes.

But god help her if a tiny little giggle didn’t escape before she managed to press her lips together.

“We’ll see how funny you think it is when I’m through with you, little girl. Come on.”

He used her hair to guide her back into the office, which forced her to scurry a bit to keep up with him if she didn’t want him to pull on it. And beside the pain, there was the fact she paid an obscene amount of money for her hair to look as good as it did on a regular basis, and she didn’t want his Neanderthal hands fucking it up.

She did, at least, have enough self-preservation not to tell him that.

When they stopped in front of his desk, he nudged her head down toward the sleek wood. “Bend at the waist, forearms and elbows on the desk, feet shoulder-width apart.”

Figuring it was better not to poke the bear any more than she already had, she moved into position, the hair he’d just released falling down on either side of her like a curtain.

Something hard pressed against her right ankle, and it took her a moment to realize it was his foot, telling her to spread her legs wider. By the time she was positioned to his liking, she felt more on display and vulnerable than she’d ever felt in her life.

And then he pulled the hem of her dress up over her hips, and she wished for a Lottie-sized hole to open up and swallow her whole so she could escape the humiliation of knowing her father’s best friend was staring right at her bare ass.

Of all the nights to wear a fucking thong.

“Such a pretty canvas,” he murmured, so softly she almost didn’t hear him. “I can’t wait to see it painted pink.” Resting one hand on her back, he raised his voice. “Stay in position, or it’s an extra count of five with the ruler. Say ‘Yes, Sir’ if you understand.”

“Yes, Sir,” she managed to squeak out past the dryness threatening to close her throat entirely. A tremor racked her body as the full weight of her situation settled on her. Not only was she bent over his desk, with her ass completely on display, she was about to get her first-ever spanking.

Would it hurt? Of course it’s going to fucking hurt, dumbass. Which left her wondering exactly how much it was going to hurt. What if she couldn’t take it? What if, despite her bravado, she chickened out after the first swat because she was actually a big wimp?

“Good girl.” Mr. Elliott’s praise snapped her out of her anxiety spiral and back to the present.

She only had a moment to wonder about the strange warmth that pooled in her belly at his praise before his hand connected sharply with her bare ass. Motherfucker, that hurt so much more than she’d expected! What the hell did Frankie like about this?

Some part of her brain was screaming at her to fight him off and flee, but she didn’t move a muscle, even when an equally hard swat landed on her other cheek. There was no guarantee she’d make it past the front door before he caught her, and she wasn’t about to add anything more to what seemed like an already unbearable punishment.

And you deserve this.

Well, that little voice could shut right the hell up. Tolerating a spanking wasn’t the same thing as accepting it. The only reason she was still here was to feed her own curiosity and to avoid making things worse. It had nothing to do with feeling as though she’d actually earned this punishment, or that she actually wanted it.


Seriously. Fuck that little voice, whoever it belonged to.

Six solid swats landed before Mr. Elliott spoke again. “I don’t know what possessed you to try and sell yourself to a random stranger online, but you will not do so again. I don’t care how safe you think it is. Am I making myself clear, little girl?”

“Yes, Sir.” The words were forced out through gritted teeth as her ass grew hotter and hotter with each swat, but she managed to say them all the same.

“There is absolutely nothing in this world more important than your safety, Charlotte. Whatever it is you’re wanting to buy, it is not worth you risking yourself to get it.”

Tears pricked at her eyes, and once again she wished for that hole in the ground. Did he really think so little of her that he assumed she’d be willing to sell her virginity for spending money?