Page 12 of Lottie

Speechless, Lottie stared at her friend for several long moments before she found her voice again. “Then what?”

“Then, he left the dildo inside of me while he put me on my knees and made me suck him off as an ‘apology’. But you know what the worst part was?”

She couldn’t imagine anything could be worse than what Frankie had just described. “What?”

“The big jerk didn’t let me come all night. And he sent me home with instructions not to get myself off until he gave me permission. I’m dying, Lottie. I feel like I could spontaneously combust at any second.”

“That was the worst part? Not… all the rest?”

“No. Well, I mean, that part sucked, and I did actually start to feel bad about being so rude to Mr. Elliott. But?—”

“Wait.” Lottie’s heart slammed against her ribcage. “Did you say Mr. Elliott?”

“Yeah, your hot as fuck next-door neighbor? He owns the club. Didn’t I say that already?”

“No, you did not say that already!” Groaning loudly, Lottie fell back on her bed as the knowledge that her dad’s best friend owned the club where she was supposed to sell her virginity sank in. “I’m so fucking screwed.”




“Why are you screwed?” Frankie asked, confusion coloring her tone.

“I can’t sell my virginity through my next-door neighbor’s kinky auction! It’s too weird! I’ve known him almost my whole life. His daughter and I were like, best friends until her mom moved her to the other side of the country.”

“It’s not that weird.” Frankie paused. “Okay, it’s a little weird. But I mean, it’s not like you’re selling it to your dad’s best friend.”

“But he’ll know! You said he reviews all the guest passes! He’ll never let me past the front door.”

“You don’t know that.” When Lottie glared at her, Frankie just shrugged. “You don’t. I mean, any guy who runs a kink club and a website where people auction off their virginity has to be pretty open-minded, right? And honestly, if it’s his club, then you’ll probably be safer there than just about anywhere else.”

“That’s true…” The idea of having Mr. Elliott looking out for her did make her feel a little warm and fuzzy inside. “If I get there and the guy turns out to be totally skeevy, I’m sure Mr. Elliott would let me out of the deal.”

“Totally.” Frankie grinned. “Just bat those pretty blue eyes at him and turn on the crocodile tears, and he’ll be a goner.”

“I don’t know about that. He can be kind of a hardass sometimes.”

“Please. From what I’ve heard, almost all the Doms at the club are Daddies. There’s no way he’ll turn away a sweet little girl in need.”

She wasn’t quite convinced Frankie knew what she was talking about, at least when it came to Mr. Elliott, but she also couldn’t see him forcing her to go through with the auction if she truly didn’t want to. He might have been a hardass, but he wasn’t an asshole.

“All right. I’m going to do it.”

“You’re going to need sexy pictures.” Practically buzzing with excitement, Frankie jumped off the bed and raced to Lottie’s closet. She disappeared for a minute before reemerging with her arms full of lace and silk. “Let’s get you ready for the auction block, babygirl.”

* * *


Countdown to Opening Bid: Thirty minutes

Scowling at his computer, Braden scrolled through the virgin category for what felt like the millionth time in the past forty-eight hours. It felt a little like watching a train wreck and being unable to look away.

There was a new entry on the page. Another woman, offering herself up like some sacrificial lamb for a ridiculous amount of money.

On the surface, she didn’t seem that different from the other auctionees. Early twenties, minimal personal data in her bio, and a short list of kinks she was willing to try. Her face was blurred out, so he had no clue what she actually looked like, but her body was uncomfortably stunning. Maybe it was just the lingerie she’d chosen to highlight her curves, or the artful way she was draped over a rather expensive-looking couch, but he couldn’t stop staring at her pictures.