Page 10 of Lottie

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

Glaring down at her disapprovingly, Holden lifted his hand to rest it on the nape of her neck. Apparently, Francesca wasn’t entirely unaffected by him, because she immediately stiffened, her eyes going wide in her suddenly pale face.

“Little girl, unless you want to answer Mr. Elliott’s questions with a red-hot bottom, I suggest you tone down the attitude. Now.”

“But Daddy?—”


Francesca pouted, but wisely didn’t argue further. “I heard about it from some of your employees,” she finally answered.


“I don’t know. It was the first night Daddy brought me here, when you were reviewing my application. The girl at the front desk said she didn’t know why it was taking so long, and then some other girl came along and said it was because of the auction the club was running and then the front desk girl said she’d heard about it and how some girl got like, an insane amount of money for letting someone pop her cherry.”

“The girl at the front desk—short hair, buzzed on one side, currently some shade of blue I believe?”

“Yes, that’s her.”

“Thank you. One last question. Why were you asking around about the virgin auction?”

“For a friend.” Tilting her chin up again, Francesca glared down her nose at him. “And you can threaten me all you want, but that’s private information and I’m not telling you anything else.”

“Fair enough. You may go.” Now he did let some of his amusement with her brattiness show. “I believe your Daddy will be impressing on you the importance of proper manners when addressing other Dominants while you are within the walls of my club. Do I have that right, Holden?”

“Absolutely. Come, Francesca. I think it’s time you learned there’s more than one way to punish a naughty bottom.”

“But Daddy, I wasn’t even that rude!”

“I beg to differ, little girl.”

Francesca’s protests cut off as the door shut behind them. Leaning back in his office chair, Braden considered his options.

Obviously, he’d already lost control of the gossip train in his club. Which meant he’d need to have a meeting with his employees and explain the reality of the situation, before they got any more of his members embroiled in this… unpleasantness. He probably should have done so as soon as he’d learned about the auction and his club’s involvement, but he’d naïvely hoped he could keep it under wraps until they’d managed to ferret out the person running the auction and shut it down.

There were a few things he could do in the meantime, however. Picking up his phone, he sent off a couple of texts and waited for the next knock on his door.

When it came, he grinned up at Mistress Rogue and Master James as they stepped into his office at his invitation. Rogue, with her hourglass figure on display in the corsets she loved to sport when playing at the club and her dark hair pulled back in a high, tight ponytail. And James, only a few inches taller than Rogue in her thigh-high boots, his hair slicked back and curiosity dancing in his dark eyes. They would have made a striking couple if they hadn’t both been Dominants with absolutely zero interest in switching positions.

“Perfect,” Braden said as James closed the door behind them. “Two birds with one stone, as they say.”

One eyebrow raising over her favored cat-eye glasses, Mistress Rogue smirked. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

“There’s a bit of an ongoing issue here at the club, and I need a favor from you two.” He gave them a rundown of the nitty-gritty, how the club had been used to ‘legitimize’ the auction and how he was working on finding out who was actually behind the whole thing. “My brother has some contacts looking into it as quietly as possible. Martin is passing new guest passes onto me for review.”

“What do you need from us?” Master James, one of the club’s original members and Dungeon Masters, crossed his arms, fury dancing in his dark eyes. “Whatever it is, you know we’ve got your back.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that. I have an employee in need of a reminder not to gossip with our clientele. Would you mind taking care of that for me once Vivian’s shift is over?”

Unsurprisingly, James’s eyes lit up at the request. It was no secret he harbored a crush on the cute girl with the ever-changing hair at the front desk. “I’d be happy to.”

“I thought so.” With that handled, Braden shifted his attention to Mistress Rogue, who was watching him with an eagerness only a true sadist anticipating punishing a naughty little subbie could exhibit. He almost hated to disappoint her. “As for you, Rogue, Shane was a very good boy tonight. He came to me immediately to let me know one of our guests was asking around about the virgin auction. I believe he deserves a reward.”

Mistress Rogue sighed, but he didn’t miss the way her lips twitched. “Fine. I’ll go find my candy corn strap-on. It’s his favorite.”

“Thank you. I appreciate you both. And if you feel like putting the fear of God into the other submissives and my employees with regards to club gossip, I won’t be upset.”

That seemed to cheer up Mistress Rogue, enough that she was practically skipping on her way out of his office.