Page 72 of The Alpha's Quest

“I hate to interrupt, congratulations by the way, but we need to speak to Belle.” Rex is unapologetic as he makes his way toward me. He needs to make sure the threat is really over; there’s no time for complacency. “Belle, who was driving the van?”

Belle doesn’t look up, just keeps her nose pressed to my skin, her soft lips ghosting over my skin as she speaks, “Leon has the keys.”

Over her head my eyes meet Rex’s, and we both look toward the smoke, confused.

Someone hotwired a van full of explosives and went on a kamikaze run? Whomever it was saved dozens of lives.

Branches snapping and heavy footsteps indicate the arrival of a non-shifter. Leah.

“Hi, Belle. Good to see you guys together at last. Even if the circumstances aren’t great.” She smiles softly at Belle before making her way to Rex’s side, resting a hand on his forearm as she looks up at him, a tiny line appearing between her brows.

“I finished doing the head count and almost everyone is accounted for. Where’s your Mum?”



Rex has already taken off down the trail as Ethan struggles to his feet.

When he turns to follow, I gasp in horror. His entire back is black and burned. Forcing back my own tears, I chase after them.

The van, now just a charred shell, is tipped on its side with smoke pouring from the inside. The trees are set alight beside it.

Staring at the wreckage, hands on his head, Rex spins to Ethan, then to Leah, looking for answers they don’t have.

The last time I saw Marie she was helping people leave, but that was well before the blast.

Rex and Ethan are distraught, not sure what to do as they look at the van and try to work out whether she had been inside. They sniff around, but the strong smell of fire is so strong, even outside, it’s nearly impossible to smell anything else.

“A little help, please.” Marie’s pained voice sounds from the trees as she steps onto the trail, limping badly, one hand extended toward her sons.

“Oh, Mum. You scared the shit out of us.” No longer the big bad alpha, Rex’s eyes shine as he runs to her side, trying to sweep her up, but is batted away by the proud Luna.

“Stop cursing,” Marie chastises, letting Rex support her weight as she hobbles to the rest of us. Throwing her arms around Ethan, she squeezes him tight, then pulls away when her hands brush against his scorched back, frowning when she sees the extent of his injuries.

“Oh, God. Ethan! I can’t look at that.” Leah covers her mouth with her hand and turns to Rex, shaking her head. She moves to a nearby tree and doubles over, sucking in deep breaths as she retches. “I’m sorry,” she calls, “I know I’m not being cool, but, Jesus, you need to go to the hospital or something.” She heaves again.

Rex rubs her back, brushing her hair back from her face as he watches Ethan with concern. “It’s pretty nasty. I can’t believe you fought Leon in that condition.”

I look at him incredulously and take in the blood on his neck and his torn thigh. I don’t understand how he’s still on his feet. Wrapping him in my arms, I nuzzle his neck, my tears dripping on his bare skin. Pulling back, I realise every touch is probably hurting him and I jump back.

“His healing will be boosted by being near to his mate,” Marie’s gaze lands on me, where my hand entwines with Ethan’s, even as she holds him in her arms. “Belle, go take care of him. Your touch and your presence will fix him faster than anything else. I’ll keep the mobs at bay until you’ve had some time to heal. Do you have some place to go that you’ll be left alone?”

Nodding, I walk along behind Rex, who shields us from view, as we arrive back in the parking lot where confused shifters mill around, looking for answers. Rex hands me his keys and his phone, pointing to a black truck parked nearby.

“Take it. We’ll deal with this as best we can and call you later.” He squeezes my shoulder then gives his Mum a kiss on the cheek. “You did good. Dad’s going to be livid when he hears, but you did good.”

Marie rolls her eyes. “We could always not tell him. He’ll just make a fuss.”

Leah nods along, like she thinks that’s a good idea, where Rex shakes his head.

“No. Just fucking, no. You two are grounded.” Rex continues to rant until they reach the hotel steps. “No more scheming. No more secrets…” Standing at the top, beckoning for everyone to gather around, he gives a quick summary of what he believes has happened, and explains that, for obvious reasons, it’s best if everyone heads home.

While he has the attention of the other alphas, I help Ethan into the big truck and cover him with a blanket, his body trembling despite that it’s not particularly cold. Finding a bottle of water, I crack the lid and urge him to drink, brushing his messy blonde hair off his face and pressing a kiss to his lips.

“Let’s get out of here.”
