Page 68 of The Alpha's Quest


Blake Steel’s sharp gaze quickly scans the crowd and lands on me the second I walk into the large ballroom.

With a slight shake of my head, I warn him to stay back. He resumes his meeting at a large table full of alphas and council members, but keeps an eye on me as I shimmy through the busy crowds.

Edging closer to where Lucia holds court, I struggle to reign in my temper. I could slit her throat before she even knew I was here, but then Leon might really blow the place.

Observing Lucia as I approach, I smile. She’s pale and shaky, looking slightly nauseous and it’s the very least that she deserves. Even this far away from her pack, she must be feeling some of their panic and pain. Though she tries to hide it, it’s taking a toll on her. Stepping into the circle of people listening to her story, I quietly wait until Lucia picks up on my presence, distracted by whatever is going on in her head. Her posture stiffens and she tries to remain calm, but her stuttering pulse gives her away.

A few of the women standing nearby look quizzically from her to me, wondering why she’s suddenly so anxious and sickly looking.

“Excuse me, ladies. I need a breath of fresh air.” Lucia politely excuses herself, grabbing my arm, and I let her lead us to a quiet spot near the wall. She spins on me, a bruising grip on my forearm and a glowing rage in her eyes.

“You were supposed to be in the van.” Glancing around us, she forces a smile back onto her pretty features. What she really means is I’m supposed to be dead.

“I was.” I shrug a shoulder, mocking her fake calm as I smile serenely, ”In the second one.”

Lucia’s face goes as pale as a sheet but, to her credit, she keeps that smile fixed in place.

Lowering her voice as she hisses, “What second van?” She shakes her head, throwing up her hands. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter. Just tell Leon I’m not in the mood for his games. He’s going to fuck this up for all of us.”

Slipping Leon’s phone out of the embroidered silk clutch Deb lent me, I bring up the picture of Toby lying prone in the back of Dave’s car. I shield the screen, so nobody else can see, and smile at her, like we’re two friends looking at each other’s family pictures.

“I think Leon is thinking the exact same thing” I whisper. “It wasn’t very nice of you to keep your travel plans a secret, and I think he’s concerned you might have been trying to run away before settling your bills.” I shut off the screen and casually slip the phone back into the clutch. He’s holding Toby to make sure you have a reason to stick around.” I feign a shudder, “Can you imagine the chaos if he walks through that door, carrying not dead Toby?”

Lucia swallows hard and looks around in a panic. Her elevated heart rate attracts a few more curious looks, but when everyone in the room’s phones start lighting up, her strange behaviour is forgotten. With trembling fingers, Lucia opens a message from Trent. Craning to see the screen, it’s a mere thumbs-up to tell her she’s successfully destroyed her own pack’s home and killed her own pack members.

When the eyes around the room start to land on her, she draws on her considerable acting talents and lets out a devastated cry. Her pale shaky appearance now looks like worry for her pack. The whimper that escapes is surprisingly genuine but I know it’s anger and fear that she’s been screwed out of her prize by Leon than any real concern for others.

Frantic, she casts her eyes around the room, looking for the nearest exit.

“Don’t even think about it,” I place a hand on her chest, holding her in place. “If you set foot outside without securing payment for Leon, he’s going to make sure none of us, including Toby, make it out alive.”

Swallowing hard and blinking back tears for herself, she slips past me and makes a beeline for Blake, who’s already halfway across the room.

“Lucia, I’m so sorry! Your father…? Any word on the casualties? Our emergency teams are on their way.”

Lucia bows her head in respect. Lifting her face, bottom lip wobbling, “He’s alive, I believe, but he’s so weak…” Her performance is Oscar calibre. She has no clue how he is. “Alpha Steel, we need help.” She averts her gaze, pretending to be ashamed but desperate. “Without our hotel even available to us because of the renovations, we’ll have to send everyone to human establishments but our financial situation is precarious. We’re broke. I can’t afford to put them up anywhere, let alone buy clothes and food...”

When a sob racks her thin body, I feel like applauding. This girl is good. No wonder she was able to trick Ethan into thinking she was a nice person. And he fell hook, line, and sinker.

I watch Blake as he silently mulls over the options. “The fund exists for occasions such as these. I’ll have money sent now, and we’ll leave immediately. You’ll travel back with me. I can’t let you drive in this state, you must be in shock.”

“No! I can’t go back!” Lucia shakes her head vehemently, and Blake narrows his eyes, not able to comprehend why a leader would refuse to return to their pack when it’s in danger. “I mean, yes, but I need to make a few calls first to get our emergency rescue plan in action.”

Blake’s eyes find mine and I nod along, placing my hand gently on Lucia’s as though to comfort her. Lucia buries her face in her hands, amping up the distraught act. Blake’s not an idiot, and closes his eyes briefly as he listens to me in the mindlink.

BELLE: Just release the funds. Then you need to, very subtly but quickly, start moving people out of this building.

He knows by the tone of my voice that this is important.

“Okay Lucia,” he nods to Lucia, “You do whatever you need to do. I’ll initiate the transfer.”

He moves to the far side of the room, seeking out his mate. Zoe’s eyes meet mine and I can see the concern there as Blake dips his head to speak in her ear, a charming smile on his face that would make anyone else believe he was whispering sweet nothings. I shake my head. There’s nothing she can do right now. As Blake tries to urge her to leave quietly, she jerks her head, her lips set into a stubborn line.

Exasperated, Blake finally sits, pulling her into his lap while making a quick call while continuously scanning the room. His eyes glaze over and I see a few of the alpha’s nearby stand and scan the room. Please don’t be obvious and cause a stampede.

“Done,” Blake calls from the far side of the room. With a nod, Blake confirms their agreement, and Lucia blows out a breath. Step one, done. She has her money. And he’s set things in motion to get people out.