Page 50 of The Alpha's Quest

Leon’s smile is wide and terrifying, like looking at a grinning shark. He taps a lighter against the wooden table, silently observing me.

I try not to fidget.

He’s deciding something.

Sweat forms at the base of my spine as I wait for the outcome of this interview. I’m pretty sure my well-being depends on it.

“Back to work. We need to have a chat.”

His eyes move to the door, indicating he wants me out. Awkwardly, I get to my feet, and glance around the table at each man sitting there, trying to memorise their faces and scents. Ducking out the door, I close it quietly behind me and suck in an uneven breath.

Billy’s watching, but he’s clever enough not to ask me anything while the bar is busy.

“I’m going to get some fresh air,” I mumble, making my way quickly to the front door. Billy nods, wiping the counters while keeping his gaze fixed on the door I just exited. It doesn’t bode well for either of us if Leon suspects that I’m here to spy, and that Billy was in on it from the start.

Stumbling out of the dark, dank space, I breathe in some glorious fresh air. There’s a bench outside, and I slowly lower my wobbly legs, resting my elbows on my knees as I gather myself. I knew Leon wouldn’t spill his secrets easily, but I wasn’t prepared for just how oppressive his presence is. My training seems to fly out of my brain when his aura hits me.

“You’re stronger than the others. The first one, she liked to act tough, but she was fragile behind it all. Things didn’t work out so well for her.”

The glow of a cigarette brightens as it emerges from the shadows on the far side of the road. It’s Dave, the bear from upstairs.

“What?” I ask, playing dumb and hoping he’ll be stupid or arrogant enough to enlighten me.

He raises his arms and gestures around us. There isn’t a sinner to be seen, despite the loud music spilling out into the night. “You don’t see her around here anywhere, do you?” He laughs and tosses his cigarette on the ground, grinding it out with his heavy boot. “Shame, she was a nice girl. Eager to please.”

Fighting back the urge to grimace, I stare at the ground. I don’t need to ask what he means by that; He’s as subtle as a sledgehammer. “Do you remember her name?”

“Bev? No wait, Beth. I think.”

My heart sinks. Carla’s younger sister.

“She got a bit too big for her britches here one night,” Dave continues, “and Leon knocked her down a peg or two. Never saw her again. Don’t expect we will.”

Apparently, she tended to the wrong crowds. This time, it looks like she found the worst.

“And the other one?” Tears sting my eyes.

“Her sister was pestering Lucia, asking questions about Beth.” Dave presses his lips together, but his eyes dart to the side, landing on a boarded-up house across the road from the bar. Quickly forces his focus back to me, “Lucia sent her this way, right into Leon’s clutches.”

Squaring his shoulders, he makes a show of cracking his knuckles loudly. “This isn’t a place for a woman like you. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but don’t hang around a second longer than you have to. If you wait too long, you might not get away.”

Once more, his gaze drifts to the house, turning abruptly and heading back inside. Gritting my teeth, I stare across the road at the abandoned property. I can scent another bear lurking outside, guarding the entrance. It doesn’t take a genius to guess it’s Carla, and if I can’t scent her, it means she’s been inside for a long time.

I itch to go over and snoop around, but it’s too risky. Staring at the gloomy, dilapidated house, I don’t want to end up locked in there with her. What help will I be then? I need to be smart.

Someone kicks the door behind me so hard and it crashes against the wall, making me jump. My nerves are shot. I need to get a grip.

“Hey! Wolf girl! Stop staring at the fucking moon and go get me a beer. I’m thirsty.”

No rest for the wicked.

I may as well keep busy while I wait for Leon to decide what to do with me. Dragging my weary body inside and distracting myself with orders and cleaning tables, I try not to think about Ethan and what he might be doing. And how much nicer it would be to be back in his arms, curled up in front of raging fire.

Mates again.

Hidden away from the outside world and all this darkness.