Page 87 of Rainfall

“Fuck yes, I did. You broke into my fucking room, Trina.”

“You want me here. You invited me here.” The words are said to me, but she’s directing them at Coach.

Oh, this bitch.

“I did no such thing. I’ve told you several times over to stay the fuck away from me and stay out of my life.”


“Yeah, this is bullshit, Trina. You’re fucking bullshit,” I growl, taking a step toward her. The only thing holding me back from throttling her right now is Coach’s hand on my shoulder. “You’ve been in my ear for years, fucking with my head. It’s enough for me to hate you. But what you’ve done to Isla, to my family, is beyond unforgiveable! I could fucking kill you for that.”

“You would have gone back to her,” she says, her face turning away so she doesn’t have to look me in the eye. “You always wanted to go back. All I wanted was a chance.”

“You fucking knew, didn’t you? You knew she was pregnant?” She doesn’t have to answer, the truth is written all over her face. Since Isla explained what happened that night, I had a niggling belief that this was the truth of it all. If I hadn’t already nailed Trina’s coffin shut, this would have done it. Keeping that knowledge from me is too big of a betrayal. She’s crying and trembling now, trying to untangle the shirt enough to get it over her head. “How could you keep that from me? I can’t believe I ever let you in my life.”

“She did that! Isla kept it from you. All I did was love you and I know you loved me, too.”

“I never loved you. Never. And you’ll never say her name again, do you fucking understand me? You erase my family from your memory.”

Her eyes dart around the room, when she finds what she’s looking for, she runs to it. It’s her handbag, but it’s not a cellphone or tissues or any other harmless thing she pulls out. It’s a gun, and she points it right at me at the same time there is sound at the hotel room door. I register the noise, the police are here, but I can’t move from the woman holding a gun in my direction.

Coach appears in front of me, shoving me behind him.

“Get the door, son,” he says, as calm as ever. I don’t know how he does it, keeps his cool in every situation. It takes a minute for the cloud of anxious confusion to clear and realize what he’s said.

Get the door. Get to the door. Before she fucking shoots us both.



“Dad,” I whisper when answering the phone, not wanting to wake Sadie up. Checking the time, it’s almost midnight here, hours later in Boston. “What’s wrong?”

Panic kicks in instantly. My father would not be calling me from across the country and at this hour, for nothing.

“Everyone is okay, sweetheart. But Cillian and I are at the police station here in Boston.”

“What,” I whisper shout as I move to the living room. “Dad, why?”

“That woman, the photographer, was in his hotel room when he headed up for the night.”

“Oh, my fucking god,” I interrupt him. “What a psycho.”

“That’s not all, Isla. Cillian walked right back out, called me and the police. She pulled a gun on him.”

“Dad,” I cry. “Is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’s rattled, kiddo. Understandably. She didn’t get a shot off before the police arrived.”

“Can I talk to him?” I don’t know what I can say, but I want to hear his voice.

“No, he’s giving his statement. Probably going to take some time. The team is going to have a lawyer here first thing tomorrow to help deal with it.”

“You’re supposed to be in Toronto tomorrow,” I say, as if the game means anything right now. It doesn’t, not in the grand scheme. But I’m shaking and can’t make any sense of anything as I knock before entering Willa’s room. She wakes when I crawl in bed with her, immediately picking up on my panicked state.

“What’s wrong?”

“Fill Willa in, then try to get some sleep. I’ll send any updates as I get them.”