Page 52 of Rainfall

“Careful, Mommy. You’ll scare the kitty.”

“Yeah, careful, Mommy,” I chime, covering my lap with the blanket.

“Oh, god,” Isla repeats. After picking herself up off the floor, she grabs the mug from Willa and runs off down the hall.

“Awkward much?” Willa playfully glares at me. “How the hell did all this happen? And why is there a cat here?”

“I got in late.” I sit up and steal the other mug Willa is holding. It’s probably hers, but I need more than she does. “Came by to talk but fell asleep. Just as well, since my house doesn’t have furniture yet.”

“Where will Saint sleep then?” Sadie climbs up next to me, pulling Saint to her lap.

“I guess I’ll have to go to the pet store today and get her a bed.”

“Oh. Can I come?”

“Let me talk to your mom and then we’ll see, okay?” I drop a kiss to the top of her head, drain the coffee, then go to find my embarrassed ex-girlfriend. She’s in the bathroom, so I knock.

“Go away, Cillian.”

“Let me in, Cole.”

“Why,” she demands, opening the door only a few inches.

“Step back so I can come in.”

“Don’t you have your own house to be at?” She sighs and steps back.

“That’s what I want to talk about,” I say, closing the door behind me. “But first, stop being embarrassed.”

“How? I slept on top of your boner, and I don’t even like you!”

“Who’s the liar now?” I laugh. “You’re mad at me, and I get it. You should be. But you like me enough.”

“Enough for what?”

“To sleep on top of my boner,” I tease her. “To co-parent with me. To go shopping for house shit with me and our daughter today?”


“I have a ton of shit to get, and I don’t even know what it all is. Sadie asked to go to the pet store with me, anyway. Let’s make a day of it, you both can see the house I’m buying and then we’ll drop Sadie off at your parents for her Saturday night.”

Isla gives me a contemplative look, then turns to the sink. Grabbing her toothbrush, she starts her morning routine, completely ignoring me other than the glances she shoots me through the mirror. I don’t know what game she’s playing. But I do know she’s forgotten I play games for a living.

I drag my shirt over my head slowly, purposely making a show of it. While I’m doing it, she gags on a mouthful of toothpaste.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“We’re getting ready. Then I’m spending the day with my daughter. You can come with or stay here and be grumpy. Either way, I’m showering.” I pull my sweatpants down, along with my boxer briefs.

“Stop that!” She rushes to rinse out her mouth, only making a big mess because her sight isn’t leaving me in the mirror. Not for a second.

“No.” I reach into the shower and adjust the water. “You coming? Or do I take our daughter out all by myself for the very first time ever?”

“This is manipulation. You know that, right?” Her fists find her hips, taking a defiant stance. Her eyes fight to not drop below my waist, but they never leave my body.

“You started this game; I’m only playing for the cup, Isla.”