Page 74 of Single Mom's SEALs

She’s been sitting in the corner chair for a while, judging by the groggy look on her face. One look out the window, and I see a bright blue sky. It’s daytime. I just don’t know how long I’ve been here. But I’m scared for myself and my baby. “What happened?” I ask, my throat as dry as the Sahara Desert.

“We don’t know yet,” Mira replies, visibly worried. “I mean, the doctor wouldn’t tell me. He said I needed to be next of kin, which I’m not.”

“You’re the closest thing I’ll ever have to a next of kin.”

“I know. But he did say not to worry too much. The baby is fine. You’re fine. They were just waiting for you to wake up first.”

“How long have I been here?”

Mira checks her watch. “Since yesterday.”

“Oh, God. Mikey!” I blurt out and damn near jump out of bed, my aching head and my body not cooperating.

“He’s okay,” Mira reassures me. “It’s a good thing you listed both Nikki and me as your emergency contacts. She knows what happened, and she’s been taking good care of Mikey, so you can focus on getting better and getting out of here.”

I manage to sit up as Mira gives me a sip of water. Almost immediately, I start to feel better. I welcome the cool liquid down my throat and take deep, calming breaths as I look around, blinking slowly. “I fainted,” I tell Mira. “I could feel myself falling, and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

“I know. You were at the yoga studio.”

“Yeah,” I reply. “Derrick came by. I got so mad.”

“That son of a bitch.”

“I ripped him a new one. Hopefully he’s gone for good this time. Maybe that’s what rattled me to the point where I passed out. It’s all been too much, Mira. Too much to handle. I mean, I accept my responsibility in this hot mess, but for God’s sake, Derrick has been a fucking nightmare. And the photos… I’ve been living in fear and horror ever since I got them.”

“Oh, honey, no wonder you ended up here,” Mira replies, gently squeezing my wrist. “I’m going to get the doctor, okay?”

A few minutes pass in awkward silence as I try to remember everything, some of the details still hazy.

The doctor finally comes in, accompanied by Mira. She seems less worried now that he’s here. A gentleman in his mid-fifties, Dr. Sawyer gives me a warm smile. “Good to see you’re awake, Amaya,” he says.

“Yeah, I’m glad to be awake,” I say. “So what’s happening to me?”

He goes over to my medical chart, his brow occasionally furrowing as he carefully scans the documents from top to bottom. Mira takes a seat back in the corner, but her eyes never leave me while we both await the doctor’s conclusion.

“Your physical health and your emotional health are deeply intertwined, especially during a pregnancy.”

I nod slowly. “Yeah, I know that.”

“You should be more mindful of it, then,” he replies bluntly. “From what your friend told me, your personal situation is complicated, to say the least. You’re about to become a single mother of two, and you’re having to take care of this family unit all by yourself. I understand you have some interpersonal issues to resolve, as well. Every single ounce of emotional stress has an impact on your hormones, and that’s on top of what the pregnancy is already causing to your system. Amaya, what I’m trying to say is that your cortisol levels are unsafely high. Stress might end up costing you your pregnancy, if you’re not more careful.”

“Oh,” I lower my gaze, feeling somewhat ashamed.

“I know it can be a challenge in this day and age. Your physical exam turned out alright. Your blood tests came back clean. Your hormonal analysis, however, was a bit concerning, and I’ve seen this happen too many times. I know a stressed out mother-to-be when I see one. It’s the hard truth. Your body is doing the best it can to sustain this pregnancy, but you need to help yourself a bit more. If you can avoid any situations that might cause you emotional discomfort or anxiety, please do, at all costs.”

“I see.”

Mira frowns, giving me a long, heartfelt look. “Amaya, I know things aren’t too rosy right now, but you need to remember that you’re not alone in this. I’m here, and so is Nikki. Tanya, too. You’re gonna get through this, and I am sure that the guys will come around. They have to. The truth has to win.”

“I screwed it up long before Derrick messed with us,” I say, tears filling my eyes.

Dr. Sawyer exhales sharply. “Your unborn child’s health should be paramount at this point, Amaya. Everyone else has to fall second. You and the little one have to get through this, and it requires effort on your part.”

“Ok,” I nod slowly.

I have a few more questions but the whole room starts spinning when Kace, Finn, and Elias rush in, panting and sweating and looking absolutely terrified. My heart skips a few beats. My cheeks start to burn.

Suddenly, all eyes are on me. The doctor doesn’t seem too happy about this unexpected visit. “I suggest you keep it brief,” he tells them with a stern look. “Amaya needs her rest.”