Page 56 of Hunt Me

“Better, I guess,” Kendall says with a heavy sigh. “Not great. But better. You?”

I blow out a breath. “Same.”

She nods, staring down at her hands.

Tears burn my eyes. I blink them back.

“Listen, I’m sorry,” I begin, and her head comes up.

She studies me warily. “For what?”

“For bulldozing your ideas and not trusting you.”

“You were scared,” she says, sadness etched into her words. “So am I.”

I nod. Tears threaten again, but I blink them back. “Did you… Have you seen anything new since we’ve been here?”

“Why?” Her sadness shifts into suspicion. “What did Legion say?”

“Legion? Nothing. Why?”

“No reason.”


She sighs. “This place is good for us,” she says. “Good for you.”

“That’s cryptic.”

She smirks. “Natalia says being cryptic is all part of the customer experience.”

I snort.

Finally, this feels like familiar ground. “You want to elaborate, oh wise one?”

“You’ll soon meet your destiny,” she says, pitching her voice dramatically low and sinister.

“Wow.” I roll my eyes. “That’s incredible. Do you need to see my palm to read my lifeline?”

She sobers quickly. “Not anymore.”

“Is this about what you told me the other day? About dying alone?”

“It’s the opposite,” she says. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

“So, that future is gone?” I ask hopefully.

“As long as you’re here, it is.”

“Here,” I repeat. “With Legion.”

“He seems like a pretty decent guy, Tor.”

I glare at her. “Are you actually seeing visions, or are you just trying to hook me up with the dragon stalker?”

She grins. “Why can’t it be both?”

“You’re ridiculous. You know what they say about him, right? He’s a killer.”