Page 40 of Hunt Me

“Your glamour,” I say quietly. “It wore off.”

“Relax.” She doesn’t look nearly as worried as I feel. “We’re almost home.”

We’re passing the last of the retail shops before our neighborhood when Kendall waves to someone and calls out, yanking me from my thoughts. I look over in time to see a guy her age crossing the street to meet us.

“Who is that?” I ask, instantly tense.

“Chase,” she whispers. “The one who asked me out.” She cuts me off with a look. “Be nice,” she hisses as he reaches us.

“Hey,” he says.

“Hey.” She beams up at him.

I roll my eyes, which isn’t technically not being nice since he’s not paying attention to me or even knows I exist, considering the consuming look he’s giving my sister.

“What are you up to?” he asks.

“Oh, Tori and I were just at the farmers market, stalking the donut vendor I told you about.”

“Sounds like fun.” Even at the mention of my name, he still doesn’t look away from her. And despite my efforts to continue my cynicism, I can’t help the stab of jealousy I feel at watching someone look at my sister the way Chase does. Like she’s the only thing in the world that matters.

Considering my touch is death, I doubt that kind of devotion is in my future. And it certainly hasn’t been in my past. Even my mate looks at me like he wants to eat me alive. There’s no worship in his dark gaze, only threats.

“Are you free tonight?” Chase asks, and the question jolts me back to the present moment.

Kendall pauses as if actually considering it.

I’m nearly ready to interject when my senses prickle with awareness again. My gaze shoots toward the shadows, scanning the streets for some sense of danger. But the few pedestrians nearby don’t pay us any attention as they come and go. Still, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re being watched.

Unlike before, the mate bond is quiet.

“Tor,” Kendall prompts when I continue scanning behind me.


“Chase asked if I’m free tonight.”


Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a figure watching us from beneath a heavy cloak. I blink, and they vanish like smoke. Dread curls in my gut, and I fight the urge to toss Kendall over my shoulder and flee. Instead, I turn back to Chase and keep my voice as even as possible.

“She’s not,” I tell him, earning an immediate glare from Kendall and a sad blink from Chase.

“Oh.” He doesn’t bother to hide his disappointment, which would’ve been adorable under other circumstances. Now, it only prolongs our exposure.

The figure is out there, watching us. I can feel it.

“Tor,” Kendall begins in a low voice.

“We have to get home.” I loop my gloved hand through her arm and use it to drag her away. “Now,” I add, letting my urgency leak in.

Kendall looks at me sharply, concern marring her features. She looks back at Chase. “Sorry, I’ll call you.”

He says something that I don’t even hear. Blood pounds in my ears as I hurry us home.

Up ahead, the street is clear, but clouds move over the sun, adding a sense of foreboding.

“Tor, what’s wrong?” Kendall asks as we speedwalk toward our little cottage house.