Page 38 of Hunt Me

Ugh. What a crock.

I clear my throat.

“We should keep moving,” I say pointedly. “If we want to catch Alisha.”

“I’m not finished,” the warlock says.

Kendall flashes him a tight smile. “Maybe another time,” she tells him as she withdraws her hand.

“I look forward to it,” he says.

I wait until she moves away and then follow her. She slows her pace, forcing me to fall into step beside her.

“You’re ridiculous,” she says.

“I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“He was harmless.”

“He was a fraud.”

“I know.” At my questioning look, she adds, “He had a dagger he claims can kill a dragon. I needed to know if he was trustworthy.”

I give her a sideways glance.

“What?” she scoffs. “You think you’re the only one good at intel in this family? You know what? Don’t answer that. There’s Alisha. Come on, I’ve been craving her lemon meringue.”

I leave Kendall with Alisha and slip over to Spells. I’m so distracted by my own thoughts that I don’t see the familiar female exiting until it’s too late. My shoulder bumps hers, and I reel back, fear pulsing in my throat as I double-check that my skin remains covered.

“Are you all right?” I ask quickly.

Spencer’s eyes narrow as she peers back at me. “Who are you?” she asks warily.

“Shit, right, it’s Tori.” I pull my scarf down to reveal my face.


“How are you?” I ask.

“Just another day in the Crossroads.”

I’ve met Spencer a handful of times—all of them here at Spells. She doesn’t talk much and is even more standoffish than I am, but the fact that Natalia seems to trust her led me to extend the olive branch.

“Did Natalia give you my number?” I ask. “I told her it was fine.”

“Oh. Yeah. I just haven’t needed…you know.”

“It’s fine. I just wanted to make sure you know you can reach out.” I don’t even know why I’m saying it. My own life is in chaos, and I might not even survive long enough to answer her texts. But something about her makes me want to be friends. Maybe it’s because I see so much of myself in her—in the way she holds herself apart from others.

“I appreciate it.” Her gaze darts past me with impatience.

“Well, I better get going,” I say. “See you later.”

She looks relieved at parting ways. “Bye.”

I don’t let myself take it personally as I watch her walk off and then hurry into Spells. Natalia is waiting behind the counter. She doesn’t look surprised at the way I’m dressed.

“You haven’t answered my texts,” I say, the words veering toward accusation.