Page 42 of Hunt Me

“Uncover her face,” the other vamp says.

My attacker uses his size to shove me back, easily breaking my hold on his neck. I stumble, and he lunges, snagging the edge of my scarf. It unravels and falls to the floor, revealing my face.

My attacker’s eyes narrow. “It’s her.”

“Finish it,” the other one says. He still has Kendall pinned. She watches the scene with wide eyes and shallow breaths.

“With pleasure.”

My attacker closes the distance between us and plants his fist in my stomach. Pain explodes through me. I fall hard, the hit a shock to my senses. The air is sucked from my lungs, and I wheeze, struggling for air until black dots dance in front of my eyes. When my vision clears, the vamp looms above me, eyes blazing as he waves my own blade in front of my face.

“You don’t have to do this,” I say, willing to beg if it saves Kendall.

“True. Our orders were to bring you in dead or alive.” His eyes flash.

“I … had a deal. I could bring you the one responsible…”

“Now you’re dealing with me. You killed my cousin, bitch. I’m going to enjoy this.”

“Wait. My sister has nothing to do with this. Let her go, and I won’t fight you.”

His eyes gleam with twisted malice. “Who said I wanted you to stop fighting?”

A loud crash fills the house as the front door splinters into a hundred pieces. My attacker snarls and pushes to his feet as a dark figure looms in the open doorway.

“Who the fuck are you?” my attacker demands.

There’s no answer, and my blurred vision makes it impossible to see his face, but I sense his presence in every fiber of my being.

The death dragon.

“You have touched what doesn’t belong to you,” my mate snarls. “And now you will pay.”

He steps forward, grabbing my attacker’s shoulder with one hand and his wrist with the other. The knife clatters to the ground, and the vamp cries out in pain.

Legion releases his grip on the vampire and, for a second, I think he’s going to show mercy, but then his fist slams against the vamp’s chest. Not against. Through it. The sound of bones snapping is quickly overshadowed by the asshole’s wretched screams. I watch as Legion yanks the heart free, clutching it in a tight, bloody fist. The vamp’s cries cut off, and the life leaves his crimson eyes. Legion steps back just as the vamp’s body crumples to the floor in a pool of blood. There’s a beat of silence, and then the heart lands on the floor with a juicy thud.

My mate turns to look at the second attacker, who still has his knife pressed to Kendall’s throat.

“Back the fuck up or I’ll?—”

At the far end of the house, the back door opens. “Girls?—”

Juniper’s voice is pitched high with urgency and fear.

“Run,” I scream at her.

The back door slams shut again.

The vamp holding Kendall at knife-point snarls, and I can see in his eyes that he’s done waiting. The blade presses into her throat, drawing the first sign of blood.

I scramble to my feet, but my mate is faster. Moving so quickly I can barely track it, he closes the distance and slams the second attacker backward away from Kendall. The moment she’s free, she launches herself toward me.

I scramble back. “My scarf,” I say, reminding her. “Don’t come closer.”

She grabs my scarf, tossing it to me. By the time I catch it, the second vamp is dead just like the first one, his heart fully removed from his body.

“Juniper,” I tell Kendall, breathless. “Come on.”