Page 25 of Hunt Me

“Uziah said the woman was part of the Crimson Roses,” I add.

Kendall’s eyes widen. “The gang?”

I nod.

“Shit,” she says.

Kendall knows only the basics about them, but it’s enough for her to understand the gravity of the situation.

“They think I did it on purpose. They’re taking it personally.”

“Can Uziah talk to them? Smooth things over?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t heard back from him.”

“You have to get out of here,” she says, voice rising as worry sets in. “They’ll hunt you down, find you here.”

“I can’t go out there. I’m dangerous.”

She sets her fork aside and sits back. “Fine. We’ll be ready when they come?—”

“No,” I cut her off, rigid in my chair. “You will not be here when they come. If they come,” I amend though we both know it’s a futile thing to doubt.

They’ll come.

“I am not letting you face this alone,” she says.

“Yes you are. It’s my job to protect you. I texted Natalia. You can stay with her.”

“You got me a babysitter?”

“Just for a couple of days until I figure this out.”

“And exactly how will you do that?”

A headache begins to pulse at my temples. “Uziah will find a way out of this.”

She scowls. “Bullshit.”


“Uziah is a vamp out to make a buck. He doesn’t care about you. He only cares how he can use you.”

“He was Dad’s friend.”

“He was Dad’s resource. There’s a difference.” She softens and ducks her head as she adds, “He came into Spells the other day.”

I stare back at her, thrown off by her admission. “What? Why?”

“He asked me to work for him.” She lifts her gaze again, and I see guilt flash. “I know, I should have told you right away but?—”

“Work for him how?”

“He wants someone who can see the future.”

“He wants to replace Stella,” I realize. She nods, and a new kind of fear twists in my gut. “I hope you said no.”

“Of course I said no. Do I look stupid?”